Best Boss!: The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders
- 2h 24m
- Duncan Ferguson, John Furcon, Toni M Pristo
- Business Expert Press
- 2021

Distilled from accounts of individual best boss stories, research and author experience, this book unlocks the powerful secrets of best boss leadership by providing a systemic approach for leading the best boss way.
The authors also suggest strategies for reducing organizational barriers to successful leadership development.
This book is offered for those who are looking to make a meaningful leadership difference in this challenging and chaotic world. It will inspire you to become the best possible boss you can be!
In this Book
Chapter 1: Courtney’s Story—Perspective of a GenXer
Chapter 2: A Simple Study
Chapter 3: The Best Boss Leadership Approach
Chapter 4: Leads from a Higher Purpose
Chapter 5: Activates Potential
Chapter 6: Promotes Dynamic Autonomy
Chapter 7: Provides Pervasive Feedback
Chapter 8: Inspires Continuous Learning
Chapter 9: How to Become a Better Boss
Chapter 10: Jeff’s Story—Perspective from a Baby Boomer
Chapter 11: Why Best Bosses Matter
Chapter 12: Our Aspiration—More Best Bosses!
Part I: Why Don’t We Have More Best Bosses?
Part II: Hope on the Horizon
Chapter 13: Lees’ Story—A Millennial’s Perspective