Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional

  • 10h 3m
  • Magnus Lie Hetland
  • Apress
  • 2005

Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional is the most comprehensive book on the Python ever written. Based on Practical Python, this newly revised book is both an introduction and practical reference for a swath of Python-related programming topics, including addressing language internals, database integration, network programming, and web services. Advanced topics, such as extending Python and packaging/distributing Python applications, are also covered.

Ten different projects illustrate the concepts introduced in the book. You will learn how to create a P2P file-sharing application and a web-based bulletin board, and how to remotely edit web-based documents and create games. Author Magnus Lie Hetland is an authority on Python and previously authored Practical Python. He also authored the popular online guide, Instant Python Hacking, on which both books are based.

About the Author

Magnus Lie Hetland is an associate professor of algorithms at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. Even though he loves learning new programming languages—even quite obscure ones—Magnus has been a devoted Python fan and an active member of the Python community for many years, and is the author of the popular online tutorials “Instant Python” and “Instant Hacking.” His has written publications including Practical Python and Beginning Python, as well as several scientific papers.

In this Book

  • Instant Hacking: The Basics
  • Lists and Tuples
  • Working with Strings
  • Dictionaries: When Indices Won't Do
  • Conditionals, Loops, and Some Other Statements
  • Abstraction
  • More Abstraction
  • Exceptions
  • Magic Methods, Properties, and Iterators
  • Batteries Included
  • Files and Stuff
  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • Database Support
  • Network Programming
  • Python and the Web
  • Testing, 1-2-3
  • Extending Python
  • Packaging Your Programs
  • Playful Programming
  • Project 1: Instant Markup
  • Project 2: Painting a Pretty Picture
  • Project 3: Xml for All Occasions
  • Project 4: in the News
  • Project 5: A Virtual Tea Party
  • Project 6: Remote Editing with CGI
  • Project 7: Your Own Bulletin Board
  • Project 8: File Sharing with XML-RPC
  • Project 9: File Sharing II—Now with GUI!
  • Project 10: Do-It-Yourself Arcade Game