Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010

  • 5h 26m
  • Abbott Katz
  • Apress
  • 2010

Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010 is a practical, step-by-step guide to getting started with the world’s most widely used spreadsheet application. The book offers a hands-on approach to learning how to create and edit spreadsheets, use various calculation formulas, employ charts/graphs, and get work done efficiently.

Microsoft is rolling out several new features with Excel 2010—perhaps the most notable is the ability to use Excel 2010 online and this collaborate on a project in real time. Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010 keeps you up-to-date with all of these new features and more.

What you’ll learn

  • What distinguishes 2010 from its immediate predecessor
  • What distinguishes 2010 from Excel 2003
  • Get started with data entry and formatting
  • How to get started with formula writing skills
  • Get started with database capabilities, including pivot tables
  • How to get started with charting

About the Author

Abbott Katz A native New Yorker, Abbott Katz currently lives in London and has introduced Excel to numerous corporate and university classes on both sides of the Atlantic. He has written for a wide range of publications, including New York Newsday, the (UK) Times Higher Educational, and, and holds a doctorate in sociology from SUNY Stony Brook in New York. Prior to moving to London in 2005 he served as the Deputy Chair of the Sociology Department at Touro College, while at the same time teaching the introductory computer course at Queens College.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Excel
  • Getting Started and Getting Around the Worksheet
  • From Data Entry to Data Creation: Formula Basics and Beyond
  • Keeping Up Appearances—formatting the Worksheet
  • The Stuff Of Legend—Charting in Excel
  • Setting the Table: Database Features of Excel 2010
  • Working With Multiple Sheets
  • PivotTables and Pivot Charts
  • Getting It On Paper—Printing in Excel 2010
  • Taking it to the Cloud: Sharing and Collaborating on the Internet


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