Beginning Java EE 7

  • 10h 31m
  • Antonio Goncalves
  • Apress
  • 2013

Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) continues to be one of the leading Java technologies and platforms. Beginning Java EE 7 is the first tutorial book on Java EE 7.

Step by step and easy to follow, this book describes many of the Java EE 7 specifications and reference implementations, and shows them in action using practical examples. This definitive book also uses the newest version of GlassFish to deploy and administer the code examples.

Written by an expert member of the Java EE specification request and review board in the Java Community Process (JCP), this book contains the best information possible, from an expert’s perspective on enterprise Java technologies.

What you’ll learn

  • Get started with the latest version of the Java EE Platform.
  • Explore and use the EJB and JPA APIs from entities to session beans to message driven beans, and more.
  • Discover web tier development APIs including JSF, Facelets and Expression Language.
  • Uncover SOAP web services, RESTful web services, and more available in this latest Java EE.
  • Create dynamic user interfaces for your enterprise and transactional Java applications.

About the Author

Antonio Goncalves is a senior software architect specializing in Java/Java EE. As a former BEA Systems consultant, he has expertise in application servers (Weblogic, JBoss, and GlassFish). He is the author of a Java EE 5 book in France and is also an Expert Member on Java EE 6, EJB 3.1, and JPA 2.0. He is the cofounder of the Paris Java User Group.

In this Book

  • Java EE 7 at a Glance
  • Context and Dependency Injection
  • Bean Validation
  • Java Persistence API
  • Object-Relational Mapping
  • Managing Persistent Objects
  • Enterprise JavaBeans
  • Callbacks, Timer Service, and Authorization
  • Transactions
  • JavaServer Faces
  • Processing and Navigation
  • XML and JSon Processing
  • Messaging
  • SOAP Web Services
  • RESTful Web Services