Beginning Hibernate, Third Edition

  • 3h 59m
  • Dave Minter, Jeff Linwood, Joseph B. Ottinger
  • Apress
  • 2014

Beginning Hibernate, Third Edition is ideal if you’re experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or “connected,” approach), but new to open-source, lightweight Hibernate, a leading object-relational mapping and database-oriented application development framework.

This book packs in information about the release of the Hibernate 4.x persistence layer and provides a clear introduction to the current standard for object-relational persistence in Java. And since the book keeps its focus on Hibernate without wasting time on nonessential third-party tools, you’ll be able to immediately start building transaction-based engines and applications.

Experienced authors Joseph Ottinger with Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood provide more in-depth examples than any other book for Hibernate beginners. The authors also present material in a lively, example-based manner—not a dry, theoretical, hard-to-read fashion.

What you’ll learn

  • How to build enterprise Java-based transaction-type applications that access complex data with Hibernate
  • How to work with Hibernate 4
  • Where to integrate into the persistence life cycle
  • How to map using annotations, Hibernate XML files, and more
  • How to search and query with the new version of Hibernate
  • How to integrate with MongoDB using NoSQL

Who this book is for

This book is for Java developers who want to learn about Hibernate.

About the Authors

Joseph B. Ottinger is a Principal Engineer at Red Hat. He's been messing around with computers since the 1980s, thinking about systems and architecture through war games and music. He's worked as a developer, architect, consultant, and writer since then, including editing stints at Java Developer Journal and

Jeff Linwood has been involved in software programming since he had a 286 in high school. He got caught up with the Internet when he got access to a UNIX shell account, and it has been downhill ever since.

When he's not playing on the computer, his hobby is running ultramarathons. Jeff is based in Austin, Texas, and helps large companies solve tough problems with content management, search engines, and web application development. Jeff also co-authored Professional Struts Applications (Apress), Building Portals with the Java Portlet API (Apress), and Pro Hibernate 3 (Apress).

Dave Minter has adored computers since he was small enough to play in the boxes they came in. He built his first PC from discarded, faulty, and obsolete components; and he considers that to be the foundation of his career as an integration consultant. Dave is based in London, where he helps large and small companies build systems that "just work." He wrote Beginning Spring 2: From Novice to Professional (Apress) and co-authored Building Portals with the Java Portlet API (Apress) and Pro Hibernate 3 (Apress)

In this Book

  • An Introduction to Hibernate 4.2
  • Integrating and Configuring Hibernate
  • Building a Simple Application
  • The Persistence Life Cycle
  • An Overview of Mapping
  • Mapping with Annotations
  • JPA Integration and Lifecycle Events
  • Using the Session
  • Searches and Queries
  • Advanced Queries Using Criteria
  • Filtering the Results of Searches
  • Leaving the Relational Database Behind: NoSQL