Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python

  • 2h 18m
  • Sanjib Sinha
  • Apress
  • 2017

Learn the basics of ethical hacking and gain insights into the logic, algorithms, and syntax of Python. This book will set you up with a foundation that will help you understand the advanced concepts of hacking in the future. Learn Ethical Hacking with Python 3 touches the core issues of cyber security: in the modern world of interconnected computers and the Internet, security is increasingly becoming one of the most important features of programming.

Ethical hacking is closely related to Python. For this reason this book is organized in three parts. The first part deals with the basics of ethical hacking; the second part deals with Python 3; and the third part deals with more advanced features of ethical hacking.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover the legal constraints of ethical hacking
  • Work with virtual machines and virtualization
  • Develop skills in Python 3
  • See the importance of networking in ethical hacking
  • Gain knowledge of the dark web, hidden Wikipedia, proxy chains, virtual private networks, MAC addresses, and more

Who This Book Is For

Beginners wanting to learn ethical hacking alongside a modular object oriented programming language.

About the Author

Sanjib Sinha writes stories and codes - not in the same order always. He started with C# and .NET framework and won the Microsoft Community Contributor Award in 2011. Later the Open Source Software movement attracted him and he became Linux, PHP and Python enthusiast, specializing in and working on White Hat Ethical Hacking.

As a beginner he had to struggled a lot to find an easier way to learn coding. No one told him that coding is like writing - imagining a concept and making it a reality with the help of words and symbols. All through his books he has tried to help the beginners from their own perspectives.

In this Book

  • Legal Side of Hacking
  • Hacking Environment
  • Installing Virtual Box
  • Installing Kali Linux and Other Operating Systems on VB
  • Linux Terminal, Basic Commands
  • Python 3 and Ethical Hacking
  • Python Environment
  • General Syntaxes
  • Variables, Objects and Values
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Regular Expressions
  • Exceptions, Catching Errors
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • String Methods
  • File Input and Output
  • Containers
  • Database
  • Module
  • Debugging, Unittest Module
  • Socket and Networking
  • Importing Nmap Module
  • Building an Nmap Network Scanner
  • Protect Anonymity on the Internet
  • Dark Web and Tor
  • Proxy Chains
  • Virtual Private Network or VPN
  • MAC Address