BACnet: The Global Standard for Building Automation and Control Networks

  • 7h 38m
  • H. Michael Newman
  • Momentum Press
  • 2013

BACnet is a data communication protocol for building automation and control systems, developed within ASHRAE in cooperation with ANSI, CEN, and the ISO. This new book, by the original chairman of the BACnet committee, explains how the BACnet protocol manages all basic building functions in a seamless, integrated way. The book explains how BACnet works with all major control systems--including those of Honeywell, Siemens and Johnson Controls--to manage everything from heating to ventilation to lighting to fire control and alarm systems. BACnet is used today throughout the world in commercial and institutional buildings with complex mechanical and electrical systems. Contractors, architects, building systems engineers and facilities managers must all be cognizant of BACnet and its applications. With a real 'seat at the table', you ll find it easier to understand the intent and use of each of the data sharing techniques, controller requirements, and opportunities for interoperability between different manufacturers' controllers and systems.

Highlights include:

  • A review of the history of BACnet and its essential features, including the object model, data links, network technologies and BACnet system configurations;
  • Comprehensive coverage of services including object access, file access, remote device management and BACnet-2012's new alarm and event capabilities;
  • Insight into future directions for BACnet, including wireless networking, network security, the use of IPv6, extensions for lifts and escalators, and a new set of BACnet Web Services;
  • Extensive Reference Appendices for all Objects and Services; and Acronyms and Abbreviations

About the Author

H. Michael Newman began working in the facilities group at Cornell University in the 1970s after ten years in the aviation industry. He is currently the Manager of Cornell University's Building Automation and Control Systems Integration group within Facilities Services and an ASHRAE Fellow and Life Member. In the control systems industry, he is known as "the Father of BACnet." He presided as the chairman of the effort to create the BACnet standard and has been involved with updates and improvements ever since.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • A Brief History
  • Fundamentals
  • BACnet Application Layer—Objects
  • BACnet Application Layer—Services
  • BACnet Network Layer
  • BACnet Data Links
  • BACnet Virtual Data Links
  • BACnet Encoding and Decoding
  • BACnet Processes and Procedures
  • Extending and Specifying BACnet
  • Future Directions
  • Epilogue


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