Automated Drug Delivery in Anesthesia
- 5h 33m
- Dana Copot
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2020
Automated Drug Delivery in Anesthesia provides a full review of available tools and methods on the drug delivery of anesthesia, bridging the gap between academic development, research and clinical practice. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach, pulling information about tools developed in other disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology and system engineering and applying them to drug delivery. The book's authors discuss the missing element of complete regulatory loop of anesthesia: the sensor and model for pain pathway assessment. This is the only book which focuses specifically on the delivery of anesthesia.
In this Book
An Overview of Computer-Guided Total Intravenous Anesthesia and Monitoring Devices—Drug Infusion Control Strategies and Analgesia Assessment in Clinical Use and Research
A Non-Newtonian Impedance Measurement Experimental Framework—Modeling and Control inside Blood-Like Environments—Fractional-Order Modeling and Control of a Targeted Drug Delivery Prototype with Impedance Measurement Capabilities
A Multiscale Pathway Paradigm for Pain Characterization
Models for Control of Intravenous Anesthesia
Modeling and Control of Neuromuscular Blockade Level in General Anesthesia—The Neuromuscular Blockade Case
Computer-Guided Control of the Complete Anesthesia Paradigm—A Multivariable Approach
Optimization-Based Design of Closed-Loop Control of Anesthesia
Integrative Cybermedical Systems for Computer-Based Drug Delivery—Research Results of the Physiological Controls Research Center of Óbuda University

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