Audit and Assurance Essentials for Professional Accountancy Exams

  • 10h 50m
  • Katharine Bagshaw
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2013

Understanding auditing and assurance is essential not just for practitioners, but for anyone in a finance role. Auditing and assurance are key elements in many professional accountancy courses. However, the pass rates for these papers are often significantly lower than for other papers at the same level. Much of the available material is unclear and confusing because of an excessive level of detail, in an attempt to be comprehensive. This can make it difficult to master the basic concepts.

This user-friendly book covers the key concepts of professional auditing and assurance syllabuses, including those of the ACCA and ICAEW among others, with an emphasis on core knowledge and basic application skills. It is designed as a working primer in the basic concepts of audit and assurance, which are explained and illustrated in clear and simple terms.

Key features are:

  • An introduction to each section explaining why the student should read it, what is important, what sort of questions come up in the area, and how students can stand out from the crowd.
  • Practical examples that can be used in the exam room.
  • Questions at the end of each chapter.
  • A section on study skills and exam technique.
  • Clear, understandable coverage of the increasingly important concept of assurance.
  • Coverage of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) relevant to students taking International and UK variant papers with notes on the differences between UK and International standards, where they still exist.

In this Book

  • Auditors, Audits and Other Types of Assurance and Passing the Exam First Time
  • Taking on Professional Work and Maintaining Standards
  • Housekeeping: Planning, Materiality and Documentation
  • The Core of the Audit
  • Corporate Governance, Professional Liability, Regulation and Other Current Issues
  • Audit Reporting
  • Fraud, Money Laundering, Forensic Accounting, Financial Instruments
  • The Wider Framework: Assurance, Other Engagements, Audit Quality and Quality Control
  • Smaller Entity Audits, Reviews, Compilations, Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements, Not-For-Profit Engagements
  • Other Assurance Engagements


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