Asset and Liability Management for Banks and Insurance Companies
- 1h 50m
- Jacques Janssen, Marine Corlosquet-Habart, Raimondo Manca, William Gehin
- John Wiley & Sons (US)
- 2015
This book introduces ALM in the context of banks and insurance companies. Although this strategy has a core of fundamental frameworks, models may vary between banks and insurance companies because of the different risks and goals involved. The authors compare and contrast these methodologies to draw parallels between the commonalities and divergences of these two services and thereby provide a deeper understanding of ALM in general.
In this Book
Definition of ALM in the Banking and Insurance Areas
Risks Studied in ALM
Durations (Revisited) and Scenarios for ALM
Building and Use of an ALM Internal Model in Insurance Companies
Building and Use of ALM Internal Models in Banks