Arduino for Arduinians: 70 Projects for the Experienced Programmer
- 5h 59m
- John Boxall
- No Starch Press
- 2024
For Arduino programmers who’ve mastered the basics, this book is the next step toward becoming an expert Arduinian. You’ll build 70 complex and practical projects with this versatile microcontroller platform and gain advanced skills to design reliable, professional, user-friendly creations.
You’ll remote-control your Arduino via Bluetooth and instant messaging, improve the accuracy of clock projects with internet time servers, and automatically turn your Arduino off when it completes a task. You’ll safely control AC mains power and higher currents and conserve battery with low-power and sleep modes. You’ll also use Charlieplexing to control LED matrix displays, keep your Arduino running with a watchdog timer, communicate over longer wired distances with the RS232 and RS485 buses, and much more.
Along the way, you’ll build fun and useful devices like:
- A camera-enabled circuit to stream videos
- An MP3 player to listen to audio of your choice
- A CAN bus circuit to gather speed and engine data from your car
- A web server to display data captured with an ESP32 board
- A PS/2 keyboard to improve your user interfaces and easily enter and display data
Guided by an Arduino master, you’ll harness dozens of sensors, motors, displays, and techniques to bring your own expert inventions to life.
Requirements: Arduino Uno and other Arduino-compatible microcontrollers andUSBasp programmers. Some projects may require other inexpensive parts.
About the Author
John Boxall, author of bestselling Arduino Workshop (No Starch Press), has been an electronics enthusiast for over thirty years, spending much of that time in the electronics retail, wholesale, and consulting fields. He also spent several years writing Arduino tutorials, projects, and reviews of kits and accessories at
In this Book
Multiple Buttons with One Analog Input
Port Manipulation
Using Attiny Microcontrollers
Building Watchdog Timers
Controlling Leds with Charlieplexing
Adding Professional Power Control
Controlling AC Mains Power Outlets
Controlling Higher-Powered Devices
Building a Digital Music Player and Sound Board
Using Multiple I2C Devices with the Same Address
Emulating Usb Mice and Keyboards with the Leonardo
Transferring Data to and from USB Flash Drives
Interfacing with PS/2 Keyboards
Controlling the Arduino with Bluetooth
Energy Efficiency for Portable Projects
Monitoring Automotive Electronics with the Can Bus
Arduino-to-RS232 Communication
Arduino-to-RS485 Communication
The ESP32 Microcontroller Platform and IOT
Remote Control VIA Telegram
Retrieve the Current Time from an Internet Time Server
Capture and Log Data to Google Sheets
Building a Mini Web Server
The ESP32 Camera Board