Archiving SAP Data-Practical Guide
- 6h 51m
- Ahmet Türk
- Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
- 2015
In the face of large data accumulation, data archiving plays a vital role in maintaining SAP system performance while adhering to legal requirements. Strategize and execute your SAP data archiving plan with this guide! Begin with the basic principles, before diving into tools for storage and transactions for accessing archived data. Whether you're using a classic approach or SAP Information Lifecycle Management, get the know-how you need to clean out the clutter in your SAP system.
- Plan and implement a data archiving strategy
- Work with all the important tools and transactions: ArchiveLink, TAANA, SARA, and more
- Learn about both the classic archiving approach and SAP Information Lifecycle Management
Strategy to Execution
Learn how to develop an archiving strategy that best suits your business needs. Then walk through the planning and execution of your archiving project with step-by-step instructions and screenshots.
Storage and Access
Discover the best tools and transactions for storing and accessing your archived SAP data like the ArchiveLink and WebDAV interfaces for storage and the Archive Explorer and Transaction VA03 for accessing data.
Classic Approach versus SAP ILM
Get an in-depth look at both SAP archiving methods: the classic archiving approach using tools such as the Archive Development Kit, or SAP Information Lifecycle Management (SAP ILM), which includes functions for retention management and implementing system shutdowns
- Technical environment and concepts
- Legal principles and framework
- Data storage and access
- Interfaces and transactions
- Strategy and project planning
- Implementation and management
- SAP Information Lifecycle Management
- ArchiveLink
- WebDAV
- Archive Information Systems
About the Author
Ahmet Türk holds a degree in business economics and works as a freelance business consultant with a focus on data archiving/ILM and SAP ERP Financials. He consults for various major enterprises such as Daimler and Lanxess and works for consulting enterprises such as Accenture and Deloitte. He has given lectures on data archiving and system shutdown at DSAG.
In this Book
Basic Principles and Legal Frameworks of SAP Data Archiving
Storage Options for Archived Data
Access Options for Archived Data
Developing a Data Archiving Strategy
Planning Archiving Projects
Implementing Archiving Projects
Managing Archiving Systems
SAP Information Lifecycle Management
Future of SAP Data Archiving