Applied Linear Algebra and Optimization Using MATLAB
- 11h 48m
- Rizwan Butt
- Mercury Learning
- 2011
Designed for engineers, computer scientists, and physicists or for use as a textbook in computational courses, Applied Linear Algebra & Optimization Using MATLAB, provides the reader with numerous applications, m-files, and practical examples to solve problems. Balancing theoretical concepts with computational speed and accuracy, the book includes numerous short programs in MATLAB that can be used to solve problems involving systems of linear equations, matrices, vectors, computer graphics, and more.
About the Author
Rizwan Butt holds a PhD from the University of Leeds, and currently he is an associate professor at the King Saud University. He has written approximately 15 articles in prestigious research journals in the US, UK, and Germany, and is the author of Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB (Jones & Bartlett Learning).
In this Book
Matrices and Linear Systems
Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
The Eigenvalue Problems
Numerical Computation of Eigenvalues
Interpolation and Approximation
Linear Programming
Nonlinear Programming