Applied Life Data Analysis

  • 9h 57m
  • Wayne B. Nelson
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 1982

Your practical guide to statistical methods for predicting product life and reliability and comparing improvements in product manufacturing, design, and application. Describes the use of graphical methods, the method of maximum likelihood, censored data analysis, linear estimation, prediction methods, and methods for complete, singly censored, multiply censored, interval, and quantalresponse data. Techniques are illustrated with step-by-step, real-data numerical examples. This paperback edition features a new preface and includes a brief survey of commercially available software for the analysis of reliability data.

About the Author

Dr. Wayne Nelson is a leading expert on statistical analysis of reliability and accelerated test data. He currently privately consults with companies on diverse engineering and scientific applications of statistics and develops new statistical methods and computer programs. He presents courses and seminars for companies, universities, and professional societies. He also works as an expert witness. An employee of General Electric Corporation Research and Development for 23 years, he consulted across GE.

For his contributions to reliability, accelerated testing, and reliability education, he was elected a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (1973), the American Society for Quality (1983), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1988). GE R&D presented him the 1981 Dushman Award for outstanding developments and applications of statistical methods for product reliability and accelerated test data.

He has authored more than 120 literature publications on statistical methods, mostly for engineering applications. For publications, he was awarded the 1969 Brumbaugh Award, the 1970 Youden Prize, and the 1972 Wilcoxon Prize, all of the American Society for Quality. The ASA has awarded him eight Outstanding Presentation Awards for papers at the national Joint Statistical Meetings. Dr. Nelson also authored the book Applied Life Data Analysis, published by Wiley in 1982; it was translated into Japanese in 1988 by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers. In 1990, Wiley published his landmark book Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses. In 2003, ASA-SIAM published his book Recurrent Events Data Analysis for Product Repairs, Disease Episodes, and Other Applications. He has authored various book chapters and tutorial booklets, and he contributed to standards of engineering societies.

In this Book

  • Overview and Background
  • Basic Concepts and Distributions for Product Life
  • Probability Plotting of Complete and Singly Censored Data
  • Graphical Analysis of Multiply Censored Data
  • Series Systems and Competing Risks
  • Analysis of Complete Data
  • Linear Methods for Singly Censored Data
  • Maximum Likelihood Analyses of Multiply Censored Data
  • Analyses of Inspection Data (Quantal-Response and Interval Data)
  • Comparisons (Hypothesis Tests) for Complete Data
  • Comparisons With Linear Estimators (Singly Censored and Complete Data)
  • Maximum Likelihood Comparisons (Multiply Censored and Other Data)
  • Survey of Other Topics
  • References


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