Angular Interview Questions and Answers: Including Angular 6, 5, 4 and 2
- 1h 3m
- Anil Singh
- BPB Publications
- 2018
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions.
You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level.
This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
In this Book
The Basic Concepts of Angular
Angular Components
Angular Directives
Angular Modules
Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
Angular Elements
Dependency Injection (DI)
Angular Services
Routing and Navigation
Angular Compiler
Angular Pipes
Service Workers
Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
Angular Security
Angular Cookies
Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
Basic Understanding of TypeScript