Angular for Business: Awaken the Advocate Within and Become the Angular Expert at Work

  • 2h 45m
  • Michael D. Callaghan
  • Apress
  • 2024

Written from author Michael D. Callaghan's personal experience teaching Angular to web development teams, this book will serve as a practical guide to help you adopt Angular for your organization.

This book consists of a series of essays related to Angular development, adoption, and the wider eco-system designed to appeal to experienced web developers and managers who have some experience with Angular and are looking to adopt and integrate it into their business for their web development projects.

You'll begin with an introduction to Angular15, along with associated frameworks and tools such as Typescript and RxJS. You'll then explore Angular components, progressive Web Apps (PWA’s) APIs, Test-driven development, testing, and the basics of agile project management. This includes how to train your team and effectively communicate with management and key stake-holders within your organization while transitioning onto an Angular workflow.

What You'll Learn

  • Advocate for Angular from within your organization
  • Create a simple "no-code" Angular component
  • Keep up with Angular releases for enterprise projects
  • Understand service APIs from both the producer and consumer point of view
  • Implement the basics of agile project management

Who This Book is For

Experienced web developers and managers with some knowledge of Angular and the related JavaScript eco-system who are looking at adopting Angular for enterprise projects and those who need to get co-workers up to speed with an Angular-based workflow.

About the Author

Michael D. Callaghan is a software developer and tech lead with more than twenty years’ experience, primarily in Microsoft and Linux environments, the past 10 years of which has been spent assembling, mentoring, and leading development teams. Most recently specialized in designing and leading the development of web-based and mobile applications, utilizing light-weight components and open frameworks, using Agile, test-driven methodologies.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • A Quick Introduction to TypeScript
  • A Gentle Introduction to Angular
  • Angular CLI Quick Reference
  • A Simple Angular Component
  • Guardians of the [Angular] Galaxy
  • Resolve or Die: Error Handling Strategies for Loading Data
  • Custom Angular Checkbox with [(ngModel)] Support
  • Upgrading Angular
  • Standalone Components
  • Understand Your Service API
  • RxJS: To Use or Not to Use?
  • Best Practices for Handling Changes to Input Properties in Angular
  • Test-Driven Development with Angular
  • Unit Testing Strategies
  • Diagnosing Random Angular Test Failures
  • Command Line: What Do All Those Symbols Mean?
  • Source Control: In Search of a Better Code Review
  • Fix Mistaken Git Commits
  • Archive Your Git Repository
  • Use “git-bisect” to Find Problems Fast
  • How We Learn
  • How We Teach
  • Slow Down to Be Noticed
  • Watch Your Language
  • Agile Software Development: A Quick Start Guide
  • Image Repository