Android Tablet Application Development For Dummies

  • 5h 2m
  • Donn Felker
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2012

Get up to speed on the hottest opportunity in the application development arena

App development for tablets is a booming business. Android tablets, including the popular Motorola Xoom, are gaining market share at breakneck speed, and this book can have even novice programmers creating great Android apps specifically for tablets quickly and easily. A little Java knowledge is helpful but not essential to get started creating apps. Android expert Donn Felker helps you get the Android environment up and running, use XML to create application menus, create an icon for your app, and submit your app to the Android Market.

you'll also learn to create an SQLite database to run behind your app and how to allow users to tailor your app to their needs.

  • Tablet application development is booming, and Android tablets, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Motorola Xoom, are rapidly gaining market share
  • This easy-to-follow guide helps new and veteran programmers set up the Android tablet environment, work with Google's notification system, and design apps that take advantage of larger tablet screens
  • Covers using XML to create application menus, creating an icon for your app, and submitting your app to the Android Market
  • Demonstrates notifications, how to create an SQLite database to run behind an application, and how to set up your app so users can choose options that tailor the app to their individual needs

If you want to break into the growing Android tablet application development market, look no further than Android Tablet Application Development For Dummies!

About the Author

Donn Felker has been an independent consultant for more than a decade. He's an Android developer, a Microsoft ASP Insider, and the founder of Agilevent, an agile and mobile software development company. Donn is also the author of Android Application Development For Dummies.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Developing Spectacular Android Tablet Applications
  • Switching to Tablet App Development
  • Developing for Android Tablets
  • Prepping Your Development Headquarters
  • Your First Android Project
  • Designing the User Interface
  • Coding Your Application
  • Turning Your Application into an App Widget
  • Understanding Android Resources
  • Publishing Your App to the Android Market
  • Designing the Task Reminder Application
  • Going à la Carte with Your Menu
  • Handling User Input
  • Getting Persistent with Data Storage
  • Reminding the User with AlarmManager
  • Updating the Android Status Bar
  • Working with Android's Preference Framework
  • Ten Great Free Sample Applications and SDKs (with Code!)
  • Ten Tools That Make Your Developing Life Easier