Android Forensics: Investigation, Analysis, and Mobile Security for Google Android

  • 4h 58m
  • Andrew Hoog
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2011

The open source nature of the platform has not only established a new direction for the industry, but enables a developer or forensic analyst to understand the device at the most fundamental level. Android Forensics covers an open source mobile device platform based on the Linux 2.6 kernel and managed by the Open Handset Alliance. The Android platform is a major source of digital forensic investigation and analysis. This book provides a thorough review of the Android platform including supported hardware devices, the structure of the Android development project and implementation of core services (wireless communication, data storage and other low-level functions). Finally, it will focus on teaching readers how to apply actual forensic techniques to recover data.

  • Ability to forensically acquire Android devices using the techniques outlined in the book
  • Detailed information about Android applications needed for forensics investigations
  • Important information about SQLite, a file based structured data storage relevant for both Android and many other platforms.

About the Author

Andrew Hoog is a computer scientist, certified forensic analyst (GCFA and CCE), computer and mobile forensics researcher, former adjunct professor (assembly language), and cofounder of viaForensics, an innovative digital forensic and security firm. He divides his energies between investigations, forensic software development, and research in digital forensics and security. He also has two patents pending in the areas of forensics and data recovery.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Android and Mobile Forensics
  • Android Hardware Platforms
  • Android Software Development Kit and Android Debug Bridge
  • Android File Systems and Data Structures
  • Android Device, Data, and App Security
  • Android Forensic Techniques
  • Android Application and Forensic Analysis