Android Apps Security: Mitigate Hacking Attacks and Security Breaches, Second Edition

  • 3h 36m
  • Sheran Gunasekera
  • Apress
  • 2020

Gain the information you need to design secure, useful, high-performing apps that expose end-users to as little risk as possible. This book shows you how to best design and develop Android apps with security in mind: explore concepts that you can use to secure apps and how you can use and incorporate these security features into your apps.

What You Will Learn

  • Identify data that should be secured
  • Use the Android APIs to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data
  • Build secure apps for the enterprise
  • Implement Public Key Infrastructure and encryption APIs in apps
  • Master owners, access control lists, and permissions to allow user control over app properties
  • Manage authentication, transport layer encryption, and server-side security

Who This Book Is For

Experienced Android app developers.

About the Author

Sheran Gunasekera is a security researcher and software developer with more than 13 years of information security experience. He is director of research and development for ZenConsult Pte. Ltd., where he oversees security research in both the personal computer and mobile device platforms. Sheran has been very active in BlackBerry and mobile Java security research and was the author of the whitepaper that revealed the inner workings of the first corporate-sanctioned malware application deployed to its subscribers by the UAE telecommunications operator Etisalat. He has spoken at many security conferences in the Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific regions and also provides training on malware analysis for mobile devices and secure software development for both web and mobile devices. He also writes articles and publishes research on his security-related blog.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Recap of Secure Development Principles
  • App Licensing and SafetyNet
  • Securing Your Apps at Scale
  • Hacking Your App
  • The Tool Bag
  • Hacking Your App #2
  • Rooting Your Android Device
  • Bypassing SSL Pinning
  • Looking Ahead