Android Apps for Absolute Beginners: Covering Android 7, Fourth Edition

  • 9h 24m
  • Wallace Jackson
  • Apress
  • 2017

Get your first Android apps up and running with the help of plain English and practical examples. If you have a great idea for an Android app, but have never programmed before, then this book is for you. Android Apps for Absolute Beginners cuts through the fog of jargon and mystery that surrounds Android app development, and gives you simple, step-by-step instructions to get you started.

This book teaches Android application development in language anyone can understand, giving you the best possible start in Android development. It provides clean, straightforward examples that make learning easy, allowing you to pick up the concepts without fuss. It offers clear code descriptions and layout so that you can get your apps running as soon as possible

Although this book covers what's new in Android 7, it is also backwards compatible to cover some of the previous Android releases.

What You'll Learn

  • Download, install, and configure the latest software needed for Android app development
  • Work efficiently using an integrated development environment (IDE)
  • Build useful, attractive applications and get them working immediately
  • Create apps with ease using XML markup and drag-and-drop graphical layout editors
  • Use new media and graphics to skin your app so that it has maximum appeal
  • Create advanced apps combining XML, Java and new media content

Who This Book Is For

If you have a great idea for an Android app, but have never programmed before, then this book is for you. You don’t need to have any previous computer programming skills ― as long as you have a desire to learn and you know which end of the mouse is which, the world of Android apps development awaits.

About the Author

Wallace Jackson has been writing for leading multimedia publications about his work in Android and new media content development since the advent of Multimedia Producer Magazine nearly two decades ago, when he wrote about computer processor architectures for centerfolds (removable "mini-issue" insert) distributed at SIGGRAPH. Since then, Wallace has written for several other publications about his work in interactive 3D and new media advertising campaign design, including 3D Artist, Desktop Publishers Journal, CrossMedia, AVvideo and Kiosk Magazine.

In this Book

  • An Introduction to Android 7.0 Nougat
  • Setting Up an Android Studio Development System
  • An Introduction to the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment
  • Introduction to XML: Defining Android Apps, UI Design, and Constants
  • Introduction to Java: Objects, Methods, Classes, and Interfaces
  • Android User Interface Design: Using Activity, View, and ViewGroup Classes
  • Making Apps Interactive: Events and Intents
  • Android Design Patterns: UI Design Paradigms
  • Android Graphic Design: Making UI Designs Visual
  • Android Animation: Image and Procedural Animation
  • Digital Video: Streaming Video, MediaPlayer, and MediaController Classes
  • Digital Audio: Sequencing Audio Using SoundPool
  • Android Services and Threads: Background Processing
  • Android Content Providers: Datastore Concepts


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