Analyzing the Social Web

  • 4h 42m
  • Jennifer Golbeck
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2013

Analyzing the Social Web provides a framework for the analysis of public data currently available and being generated by social networks and social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. Access and analysis of this public data about people and their connections to one another allows for new applications of traditional social network analysis techniques that let us identify things like who are the most important or influential people in a network, how things will spread through the network, and the nature of peoples' relationships. Analyzing the Social Web introduces you to these techniques, shows you their application to many different types of social media, and discusses how social media can be used as a tool for interacting with the online public.

  • Presents interactive social applications on the web, and the types of analysis that are currently conducted in the study of social media.
  • Covers the basics of network structures for beginners, including measuring methods for describing nodes, edges, and parts of the network.
  • Discusses the major categories of social media applications or phenomena and shows how the techniques presented can be applied to analyze and understand the underlying data.
  • Provides an introduction to information visualization, particularly network visualization techniques, and methods for using them to identify interesting features in a network, generate hypotheses for analysis, and recognize patterns of behavior.

About the Author

Jennifer Golbeck is Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab and an Associate Professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Her research focuses on analyzing and computing with social media. This includes building models of social relationships, particularly trust, as well as user preferences and attributes, and using the results to design and build systems that improve the way people interact with information online.

She received an AB in Economics and an SB and SM in Computer Science at the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Nodes, Edges, and Network Measures
  • Network Structure and Measures
  • Network Visualization
  • Tie Strength
  • Trust
  • Understanding Structure Through User Attributes and Behavior
  • Building Networks
  • Entity Resolution and Link Prediction
  • Propagation in Networks
  • Community-Maintained Resources
  • Location-Based Social Interaction
  • Social Information Filtering
  • Social Media in the Public Sector
  • Business Use of Social Media
  • Privacy
  • Case Study—Social Network Strategies for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
  • References


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