Algebraic Theory for True Concurrency, First Edition
- 2h 59m
- Yong Wang
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2023
Algebraic Theory for True Concurrency presents readers with the algebraic laws for true concurrency. Parallelism and concurrency are two of the core concepts within computer science. This book covers the different realms of concurrency, which enables programs, algorithms or problems to be broken out into order-independent or partially ordered components to improve computation and execution speed. There are two primary approaches for executing concurrency: interleaving concurrency and true concurrency. The main representative of interleaving concurrency is bisimulation/rooted branching bisimulation equivalences which is also readily explored.
This work eventually founded the comprehensive axiomatization modulo bisimulation equivalence -- ACP (Algebra of Communicating Processes).The other approach to concurrency is true concurrency. Research on true concurrency is active and includes many emerging applications. First, there are several truly concurrent bisimulation equivalences, including: pomset bisimulation equivalence, step bisimulation equivalence, history-preserving (hp-) bisimulation equivalence, and hereditary history-preserving (hhp-) bisimulation equivalence, the most well-known truly concurrent bisimulation equivalence.
- Introduces algebraic properties and laws for true concurrency, one of the foundational concepts of computer science
- Presents all aspects of algebraic true concurrency, including the basis of semantics, calculi for true concurrency and for axiomatization
- Integrates all aspects of algebraic theory for true concurrency, along with extensions and applications
About the Author
Dr. Yong Wang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Information, at Beijing University of Technology. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Beihang University, China. He has more than 20 years of research and teaching experience in parallel and distributed computing. Dr. Wang’s research interests include Theory of Parallel Computing, including algebraic theory for true concurrency and its extensions and applications, algebraic theory for reversible computing, and quantum process algebra and its application in quantum communication protocol. Dr. Wang’s other research interests include SOA, grid computing, cloud computing, and big data. Dr. Wang has published more than 120 research papers in leading Computer Science journals, including Wiley-Blackwell International Journal of Communication Systems, Springer International Journal of Theoretical Physics, and IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
In this Book
A Calculus for True Concurrency
Algebraic Laws for True Concurrency