Adventures in Coaching

  • 4h 18m
  • Ben Dowman
  • Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
  • 2021

This enchanting story uses Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to explain personal and business coaching in a magical and entertaining adventure. A host of fanciful characters show readers how to have an effective coaching conversation from start to finish, and to reach real world outcomes in a more transformative way.

In this captivating story, Alice finds herself turning into a pizza, going straight to jail on the Monopoly board and embarking on a space flight. Along the way she meets a helpful turtle, a charismatic ladybird and a fox with some personal problems, among a cast of curious characters.

Research shows that learning is often better retained when made fun and stimulating. This book delivers the most rigorous and advanced textbook coaching theory, including the GROW model, contracting and feedback, in a uniquely engaging and mesmerising manner. The structure and sequence of the material is based on a tried and tested progression that the author has refined through his training and workshops over many years.

This groundbreaking approach to learning to coach will do for coaching what Who Moved My Cheese did for managing change.

In this Book

  • A Guide to the Wonderland That is Coaching—An Introduction to the Style, Format and Content of This Book
  • The Turtle and the Caterpillar—What is Coaching and Why is it Used?
  • Rita and the Frog—Listening and Effective Questioning
  • Ronald Makes a Breakthrough—An Example of a Coaching Conversation
  • Growing with Rita and Ronald—The GROW Coaching Framework
  • Christina—A Coaching Example of GROW and the Difference between Coaching and other Approaches
  • A Trip to Naples—Maps of the World and the Difference between a Client’s Content and Process
  • Irrationality on the Beach—The Learning Ladder and How This Applies to Being a Coach and Working with Clients
  • A Hole Lot of Coaching—The Difference between Practical Solutions and Working in a More Transformative Way
  • The Rules of the Game—Coaching as a Manager and Contracting as a Coach
  • Foxed and Imprisoned in the Triangle—The Dynamics of a Coaching Relationship and the Drama Triangle
  • Reynard—An Example of Coaching a ‘Difficult’ Client
  • You Can’t Eat the Word ‘Cake’—Rapport, Client Resistance and the Difference between Deep and Surface Structure
  • Eating Cake and Feeding Back—The Difference between Giving Feedback as a Coach and Giving Feedback as a Manager
  • Camilla—An Example of Coaching Relationship Conflict
  • In the Position of Being Eaten—Perceptual Positions Explained
  • Victor’s Super Vision—An Introduction to Coaching Supervision
  • The Solution Becomes the Problem—Comparing First-Order and Second-Order Change
  • Rocket Girl—The Impact of the Beliefs and Perception of the Coach
  • Awakening—A Coaching Example of the Solution Being the Problem
  • The End of the Beginning—Summary and Questions to Continue the Reader’s Journey
  • References and Further Reading


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