Advanced Database Marketing: Innovative Methodologies and Applications for Managing Customer Relationships

  • 7h 45m
  • Koen W. De Bock, Kristof Coussement, Scott A. Neslin (eds)
  • Ashgate Publishing
  • 2013

While the definition of database marketing hasn't changed, its meaning has become more vivid, versatile and exciting than ever before. Advanced Database Marketing provides a state-of-the-art guide to the methods and applications that define this new era in database marketing, including advances in areas such as text mining, recommendation systems, internet marketing, and dynamic customer management. An impressive list of contributors including many of the thought-leaders in database marketing from across the world bring together chapters that combine the best academic research and business applications. The result is a definitive guide and reference for marketing and brand analysts, masters students, teachers and researchers in marketing analytics. The proliferation of marketing platforms and channels and the complexity of customer interactions create an urgent need for a multidisciplinary and analytical toolkit. Advanced Database Marketing is a resource to enable marketers to achieve insights and increased financial performance; to provide them with the capability to implement and evaluate approaches to marketing that will meet, in equal measure, the changing needs of customers and the businesses that serve them.

About the Editors

Kristof Coussement is Associate Professor of Marketing at IÉSEG School of Management (LEM-CNRS) of the Catholic University of Lille in France and co-director of the Expertise Center for Database Marketing. He has served as a Visiting Scholar at EMLyon Business School (2011).

Professor Coussement teaches several marketing-related courses including Customer Relationship Management, Database Marketing and Strategic Marketing Research in which students are taught the theoretical principles of all aspects in operational and analytical customer relationship management (CRM), the methodological foundations of predictive marketing modeling, and marketing research.

Professor's Coussement's main research interests are all aspects in customer intelligence, B-to-B (business to business) intelligence, direct marketing, and analytical CRM. Improving his "practical" experience over the years by doing several real-life research projects in a different number of industries, his main focus lies on doing profound academic research with a high added value to business. He publishes in international peer-reviewed journals such as Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis and Expert Systems with Applications. These works have been presented at various conferences around the world. Moreover, he is co-author of the book Marketing Research With SAS Enterprise Guide.

Professor Coussement is founder and committee member of BAQMaR, the largest online European Association for Quantitative & Qualitative Marketing Research. More information about his work can be found at

Koen W. De Bock is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the IÉSEG School of Management (LEM-CNRS) with campuses in Lille and Paris in France. He is a co-director of the Expertise Center for Database Marketing. In November 2011, Professor De Bock taught at the MBA program at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), Cape Town, South Africa as visiting faculty.

In the Master in Management, he teaches the Internet marketing-related courses Digital Marketing, Web Analytics, Web Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and Search Engine Marketing. Moreover, he conducts research in database marketing and Internet marketing and is especially passionate about big-data machine learning methodologies for predictive modeling in marketing that generate true business value. He has published in international journals such as Journal of Business Research, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, and Expert Systems with Applications and has presented his work at various international academic and industrial conferences. More information can be found at

Scott A. Neslin is Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. He has been at the Tuck School since completing his PhD in 1978 at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. He has served as a Visiting Scholar at the School of Management, Yale University (1989–1990), the Teradata/Duke CRM Center located at the Fuqua School of Management, Duke University (2002), and the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University (2009–2010). Professor Neslin's expertise includes database marketing, sales promotion, and marketing mix models. He has researched the application of predictive modeling for cross-selling and identifying customer "churners," evaluated the effectiveness of loyalty programs, and examined the determinants of customer channel migration and "research shopping." He has investigated the impact of promotion on consumer stockpiling, brand loyalty, and consumption, as well as the role of advertising in reinforcing brand loyalty. He has published several articles on these topics in journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Interactive Marketing. He is co-author, with Professor Robert C. Blattberg, of Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies; co-author, with Robert C. Blattberg and Byung-Do Kim, of Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers, and author of the monograph Sales Promotion. He is Associate Editor of Marketing Science, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Marketing Letters. He serves as Senior Advisor for Resource Systems Group, Inc.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Data Preprocessing in Database Marketing: Tasks, Techniques, and Why They Matter
  • Textual Customer Data Handling For Quantitative Marketing Analytics
  • Bayesian Networks and Applications in Direct Marketing
  • Quantile Regression for Database Marketing: Methods and Applications
  • Ensemble Learning in Database Marketing
  • Advanced Rule-based Learning: Active Learning, Rule Extraction, and Incorporating Domain Knowledge
  • Hybrid Models for Recommender Systems
  • Marketing in the New Mobile Economy
  • Targeting Display Advertising
  • Paid Search Advertising
  • Social Media Management
  • Dynamic Customer Optimization Models
  • Direct Marketing in the Non-profit Sector


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