Advanced Data Structures

  • 7h 58m
  • Peter Brass
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 2008

This text closely examines ideas, analysis, and implementation details of data structures as a specialised topic in applied algorithms. It looks at efficient ways to realise query and update operations on sets of numbers, intervals, or strings by various data structures, including: search trees; structures for sets of intervals or piece-wise constant functions; orthogonal range search structures; heaps; union-find structures; dynamization and persistence of structures; structures for strings; and hash tables. Instead of relegating data structures to trivial material used to illustrate object-oriented programming methodology, this is the first volume to show data structures as a crucial algorithmic topic. Numerous code examples in C and more than 500 references make Advanced Data Structures an indispensable text.

  • This is the only graduate-level textbook on data structures
  • Contains discussion of numerous structures with their analysis, code examples, implementation details, and in most cases a complete implementation on author homepage
  • Contains detailed history for each structure with more than 500 references

In this Book

  • Elementary Structures
  • Search Trees
  • Balanced Search Trees
  • Tree Structures for Sets of Intervals
  • Heaps
  • Union-Find and Related Structures
  • Data Structure Transformations
  • Data Structures for Strings
  • Hash Tables
  • Appendix
  • References