Accounting and Finance Policies and Procedures

  • 4h 55m
  • Rose Hightower
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2008

Welcome to an exciting process. As you work through the process, the outcomes will present you with insights and opportunities about your Company that you may not be currently aware. Use this manual as a starting point to assess the maturity of the accounting and finance processes. As you address each of the processes, if the documentation process comes "easy" (i.e., is currently available, is followed by most if not all of your Company's subsidiaries and locations; is measured and used as a basis for continuous process improvement) then the process is mature and there will be no surprises.

Documentation is the backbone of the company, which indicates that the company is run "with purpose" and "not by accident". The quality and strength of the documentation is an indicator of the quality and strength of the Company.

About the Author

Rose Hightower, Accountant, MSc, has been the owner of IDEAL Consulting Solutions International, LLC for ten years, consulting in implementation of internal control and policy and procedure programs for large companies. Bringing over twenty years of experience from IBM and serving as finance manager, her program contains practical lessons and simple solutions for any size company. She is known as "The Policy Guru" and offers advice and counsel to clients from her Web site,, and through

In this Book

  • Introduction—Program Mandate
  • Overview—Getting Started—Presentation
  • Introduction—Create, Revise, Issue Policies and Procedures
  • Introduction—<Template — Name of Document>
  • Introduction—Request to Deviate from Policies and Procedures
  • Introduction—Rescind Policies and Procedures
  • Accounting and Finance—Account Reconciliation
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Compensated Absences
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Goodwill, Patents, Trademarks, and Other Intangible Assets
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Post-Employment Benefits
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Restructuring and Reorganization
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting for Sales Compensation—Expense, Accrual, Reconciliation
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounts Payable—Request for Payment to Third Party Vendors
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounts Receivable—Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounts Receivable—Third-Party Trade And Customer—Credit, Collection, And Cash Applications
  • Accounting and Finance—Accruals
  • Accounting and Finance—Accounting and Audit-Related Complaints
  • Accounting and Finance—Authorization—Delegation, SubDelegation of Authority
  • Accounting and Finance—Bank Reconciliation
  • Accounting and Finance—Business Combinations, Consolidation and Foreign Entity Reporting
  • Accounting and Finance—Business Licenses
  • Accounting and Finance—Cash and Banking
  • Accounting and Finance—Communication with Financial Community
  • Accounting and Finance—Escheat, Abandoned Property, Unclaimed Checks—U.S., Canada, and Where Local Regulations Require
  • Accounting and Finance—Finance Code of Ethical Conduct
  • Accounting and Finance—Key Financial Indicators
  • Accounting and Finance—Financial Planning and Analysis
  • Accounting and Finance—Property, Plant and Equipment—Fixed Assets, Long-Lived Assets, Tangible Assets
  • Accounting and Finance—Foreign Currency Risk Management
  • Accounting and Finance—Funding and Financing Risk Management
  • Accounting and Finance—Hiring and Use of External Auditors
  • Accounting and Finance—Income Tax Preparation and Reporting
  • Accounting and Finance—Insurance and Risk Management
  • Accounting and Finance—Intercompany Transactions
  • Accounting and Finance—Inventory
  • Accounting and Finance—Investment and Marketable Securities
  • Accounting and Finance—Journal Entries—Routine, Non-Routine, and Estimates
  • Accounting and Finance—Capital, Operating Leases, and Real Estate Rental Property
  • Accounting and Finance—Letter of Representation, Quarterly Financial Sub Certification Process
  • Accounting and Finance—Payroll and Salary Expense
  • Accounting and Finance—Petty Cash
  • Accounting and Finance—Physical Counts and Evaluation for Inventory, Property, Plant and Equipment
  • Accounting and Finance—Prepaid Assets/Expenses
  • Accounting and Finance—Revenue Recognition
  • Accounting and Finance—Source and Use of Exchange Rates
  • Accounting and Finance—Travel, Entertainment, and Expense
  • Accounting and Finance—Travel, Entertainment, and Expense Policy and Procedure Manual
  • Corporate—External Communications and Public Relations
  • Corporate—Material Nonpublic Information and Insider Trading
  • Corporate—Procurement
  • Corporate—Records Information Management