Access 16 Project Book: Hands-On Database Creation
- 5h 58m
- Julitta Korol
- Mercury Learning
- 2024

This book is a practical introduction to building and managing Access desktop databases. Instead of simply explaining the inner workings of Microsoft Access, you can complete with ease all the required tasks related to the creation, use, and management of an Access database. This book offers a hands-on approach to creating a traditional Access desktop database, emphasizing the importance of splitting the database for optimized multi-user access. The primary project, the Employee Training Database (ETD), serves as the central theme, ensuring readers gain practical experience. This isn't just a reference book; it's a journey from the foundational concepts of database design to the intricate details of database management.
Uses a step-by-step approach, using hands-on activity examples, to build a traditional Access desktop database
Includes a real-world project, the Employee Training Database (ETD), for learn by doing instruction
Features comprehensive coverage of Access 365, from basic to advanced
Includes companion files with all of the hands-on activity examples
About the Author
Since 1993, Julitta Korol has published two dozen computer books on using and programming Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. She has completed professional certifications by Microsoft Corporation and the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA).
In this Book
Planning and Designing a Database
Creating a Desktop Database
Creating Access Tables
Setting up Primary Keys, Indexes, and Table Relationships
Populating Access Tables with Data
Creating and Working with Select Queries
Performing Database Operations with Action Queries
Designing and Using Forms
Form Customization
Designing and Using Reports
Report Customization
Compacting, Splitting, and Securing an Access Database