Accelerating Lean Six Sigma Results: A Guide to Improvement Excellence in the New Economy

  • 8h 27m
  • Terence T. Burton
  • J. Ross Publishing
  • 2011

In the new economy, the mandates for improvement initiatives are rapid deployment and sustainable results. Accelerating Lean Six Sigma Results provides real-world direction for this new improvement agenda with targeted rapid deployment and the Scalable Lean Six Sigma approach for quickly achieving high-impact results, return on investment, and growth in global market share.

Key Features:

  • Explains how to develop the core competency of Improvement Excellence and an enduring infrastructure of success
  • Presents a Scalable Lean Six Sigma deployment model that aligns improvement to the critical and selective strategic business needs of an organization with the primary focus on rapid and sustainable breakthrough performance
  • Covers the 10 Accelerators of improvement success and supplies executives and deployment leaders with proven guidance on how to lead and sustain improvement, transform culture, and achieve superior industry performance
  • Provides new, practical strategic improvement applications for the transactional enterprise, supported by case studies based on several Lean Six Sigma benchmark deployments

About the Author

Terence T. Burton is President of The Center for Excellence in Operations, Inc. (CEO), a management consulting firm headquartered in Bedford, New Hampshire with offices in Munich, Germany. Terry has over 35 years of experience in operations, quality, engineering, supply chain management, distribution and logistics, maintenance and repair, customer service, finance, and sales/marketing. Terry is best known for his hands-on approach to consulting and his executive leadership in transforming organizations.

Prior to his consulting career, Terry held several senior executive and line management positions at Wang Labs, Polaroid, and Atlantic Richfield, and practice leadership positions with two international consulting firms: KPMG Peat Marwick and Pittiglio, Rabin, Todd, & McGrath (PRTM). Terry has extensive and diversified business improvement experience with over 300 clients in North America and Europe ranging from large diversified international Fortune 500 corporations to small and mid-sized companies.

Terry holds a B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of New Haven, and an MBA from Boston University. Terry is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, and has held national positions with APICS, AME, ASQ, and PDMA.

In this Book

  • Improvement Excellence: The Missing Factor
  • Scalable Improvement 2010 and Beyond: Rapid Deployment and Rapid Results
  • Lean Six Sigma Accelerators
  • Lean Six Sigma Accelerator #1: Strategic Leadership and Vision
  • Accelerator #2: Robust Deployment Planning
  • Accelerator #3: Provide Customized Education and Development
  • Accelerator #4: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
  • Accelerator #5: Launching with the Best in Mind
  • Accelerator #6: Provide Strong, Extensive Mentoring Support
  • Accelerator #7: DMAIC the Deployment Process Regularly
  • Accelerator #8: Accelerate Individual Project Paths
  • Accelerator #9: Complete the C in DMAIC
  • Accelerator #10: Practice Concurrent Continuous Deployment
  • Greatest Opportunities: Transactional Business Process Improvement
  • The Intersection of Leadership, Improvement, and Technology
  • Epilogue


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