A Quick Start Guide to Cloud Computing: Moving Your Business into the Cloud

  • 1h 28m
  • Mark I. Williams
  • Kogan Page
  • 2010

The latest jargon in the digital world, "cloud computing" leaves many small-business owners scratching their heads. At its simplest, cloud computing enables businesses to do away with servers and much of their other IT hardware by running their software online. Web-based email programs like Yahoo or Hotmail are examples of cloud-based applications; Microsoft is making its entire Office suite available free in the cloud; Google and others also have productivity suites in the cloud.

Dr. Williams eschews the jargon and marketing hype generated by IT vendors and helps business owners think clearly about how cloud computing could help improve their business. He addresses fears related to data security and business continuity and also examines how cloud computing can impact a business's carbon footprint. Case studies explain how businesses such as Dell and The New York Times have used cloud computing to their advantage.

About the Author

Dr. Mark I. Williams is an experienced IT professional who has been using advanced cloud computing technologies for over 17 years. He is Chair of the Cloud Computer World Forum.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • Risks of Cloud Computing
  • Case Studies
  • Choosing a Provider
  • Moving into the Cloud
  • Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • References


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