15 Secrets to Making Big Achievements

  • 11m
  • Jeff Davidson
  • Tony Alessandra
  • 2009

Many people have goals focused on career achievements or net worth. Far fewer have goals related to the quality of life. In this innovative program, author and professional speaker Jeff Davidson discusses the importance of establishing work-life balance goals such as identifying the number of relaxing weekends you want to experience within a month, determining how much sleep you want to have each night, and targeting your resting pulse per minute. Who is to say you can't establish a goal for your blood pressure as well as your weight and waistline? Why not establish goals related to the healthy foods you regularly consume? Establishing work-life balance goals, Jeff observes, helps you to become a well-rounded career professional who is more effective on the job while having a greater sense of participation and enjoyment in life. Jeff also explains the importance of setting goals about starting each day, handling lunch time, and departing at the end of the day. He also discusses goals related to great novels, classic or inspiring movies, participation in worthy causes, and more focused family involvement.

About the Author

Jeff Davidson can move an audience like few others. Jeff offers dynamic learning keynotes and seminar presentations. He combines outstanding content with humor, flair, and inspiration to help listeners manage information and communication overload. Jeff supercharges his audiences to take action. Frequently quoted or featured in USA Today, the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, and on 175 talk shows, more than 1,485,000 people have found Jeff's award-winning books (cumulatively selected by book clubs 31 times), audio-books, videos, keynote presentations, and executive seminars to be enlightening, entertaining, and transformational.

In this Book

  • 15 Secrets to Making Big Achievements