131 Ways to Win with Accountability: Best Practices for Driving Better Results

  • 38m
  • Elaine Biech, Henry J. Evans
  • CornerStone Leadership Institute
  • 2018

Our research shows that 100 percent of organizations think accountability is important to their success, and more than 99 percent don't have it in the way they want. Open this book to find 131 practical but essential tips you can implement today and start driving better results at work and at home! 131 Ways to Win with Accountability is your guide to ensure that your organization drives accountability and is on track to outperform your competitors.

About the Authors

Henry J. Evans is the author of the best-selling Winning with Accountability and co-author of the Amazon Top-10 Step Up: Lead in Six Moments that Matter. As co-founder/CEO (Change Excellence Officer) of Dynamic Results, he busts myths about leadership for organizations globally. Henry s concepts have been published by Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BBC and many more. An award-winning instructor of MBA students, his life mission is to "leave every person and situation better than I found them". Contact him at hevans@dynamicresults.com.

Co-Author, Elaine Biech is a consultant, trainer, and author of The Washington Post No.1 best-seller The Art and Science of Training. With more than three decades of experience and 80-plus published books, she has been called the Stephen King of the training industry. The recipient of numerous professional awards, Elaine is a consummate training professional who has been instrumental in guiding the talent development profession for most of her career.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Accountability Language is the Path to Results
  • The Accountability Journey Starts with You
  • Drive Accountability into the Culture
  • Use Meetings to Guide the Way
  • Remain on Track with Accountable Feedback
  • Avoid Bad Directions and Potholes along the Way
  • Ensure Your Team is Heading to the Same Destination
  • Stay on the Road to Continuous Self-Improvement
  • A Final Thought … or 10!