100 Shell Programs in Unix

  • 47m
  • Sarika Jain, Shivani Jain
  • Laxmi Publications
  • 2009

This book has been written keeping in mind the requirements of the students who are doing UNIX course. Every aspect of the topic has been covered while writing the programs. The book's small size is meant to keep your investment in time down to a minimum but with the greatest possible amount of knowledge. All the examples in this book are actual, runnable code tested on UNIX system. Regardless of the version you run on your system, the difference in coding you find will be minor.

About the Authors

Sarika Jain is currently working as the Head, MCA Department at ABSS, Meerut. She has done her Master degree in Computer Application from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. doctoral degree in Computer Science. She is a lifetime member of IACSIT and has published many research papers in International and National Journals of repute. Her current research interests include Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Engineering and Automatic Reasoning. She has authored many books pertaining to Information Systems, Computer Networks, Language ‘C’, and Mobile Computing. She has been closely associated with Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut for delivering guest lectures.

Shivani Jain is an M.Sc. in Computer Application and currently pursuing M.Tech in Computer Science. Presently she is a Senior Lecturer at VCE, Meerut. She has attended many workshops and conferences. She has expertise in Web designing and has done several projects which are highly appreciated.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Programs


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