100 Great Mindset Changing Ideas

  • 3h 38m
  • Simon Maier
  • Marshall Cavendish
  • 2018

A mindset is a fixed mental attitude that predetermines a person’s responses to (and interpretations of) situations. Essentially, our mindset determines our behaviour. Developing the best mindset is the way you can learn something new, adopt new information, alter your beliefs and act accordingly. It’s important to adjust our mindsets to survive and thrive in the real world.

Experts agree that our mindset is not a result of nature or nurture, genes or environment. There’s a constant give and take between each: the physical and the mental. As eminent American neuroscientist Gilbert Gottlieb puts it, not only do genes and environment cooperate as we develop, but genes actually require input from the environment to work properly.

You have the means to shift your mindset to create the life or attitude that you want and need. A fixed mindset will cloud your judgment. You’ll avoid challenges, you’ll give up when things aren’t going right and you’ll think that you’re not good enough. It’s the belief that you should be terrific instantly and that you can’t improve or get better by effort. But, change is possible. It isn’t easy – but it’s not hugely hard either. The first step is to start and be aware of how your mindset is holding you back.

About the Author

Simon Maier is a communications expert and has worked with corporations around the world. He uses storytelling as a consultancy tool to help senior executives and staff to become aware of their strengths and weaknesses and change their mindsets to be more effective.

In this Book

  • Get Started
  • Things That Get in the Way
  • Mindset Change is All about Helping Yourself
  • Taking Risks
  • Be Nice to You
  • Attitude Towards Others
  • Mindset at Work
  • Be Strong
  • Leadership
  • Develop and Grow


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