100 Great Handling Rapid Change Ideas

  • 2h 46m
  • Peter Shaw
  • Marshall Cavendish
  • 2018

Leaders in every country and sector are addressing rapid change resulting from economic, technological, cultural, communication and social developments. The pace of change is unparalleled. Many leaders feel behind the curve as companies are merging and restructuring in response to these developments.

This addition to the highly successful 100 Great Ideas series, readers will equip leaders to face uncertainty with confidence and equanimity. At the same time, the book teaches the team to accept the inevitability of rapid change and see opportunities going forward and not be overwhelmed by fears or apprehensions. This book will provide a manual for teams to discuss and agree on a shared approach going forward.

The author has included provide case-scenarios to illustrate the learning points and these are a good reference point for anyone who leads a team in managing rapid change at work or who is affected by company reorganisation and right-sizing.

About the Author

Dr Peter Shaw is a founding partner of Praesta Partners and works with individuals, teams and groups to help them grow their strengths and tackle demanding issues confidently. He has held a wide range of board posts covering finance, personnel, policy, communications and delivery, and worked in five UK Government departments. He is the author of 22 influential books on leadership, and is a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University Business School, the University of Chester Business Faculty, and St John's College, University of Durham.

In this Book

  • Know why you are there
  • Understand the Expectations of Others
  • Be Ready to be Your Own Barometer of Progress
  • Recognise and Accept the Risks
  • Accept the Inevitability of Surprises and Shocks
  • Build on Successes
  • Avoid Getting Over-Tired
  • Manage Your Emotions
  • Know How you Manage Stress
  • Keep Your Personal Energy Recharged
  • Know Your Priorities
  • Recognise Your Impact on Others
  • Don't Expect to be Liked or Thanked
  • Learn From What Does not Work
  • Hold Your Nerve
  • Seek Out those with Experience
  • Ask Neutral Advisors to Observe and Appraise
  • Ensure Focused Coaching Conversations
  • Know Whose Judgement to Trust
  • Keep Triangulating Different Perspectives
  • Take Your Strengths to the Next Level
  • Take Stock on a Regular Basis
  • Keep Taking Step Changes in Your Confidence
  • Be Focused on Steering Rather than Rowing
  • Keep Stretching your Boundaries of Understanding
  • Stay Agile to Changes in Circumstances
  • Keep Investing in your Skills
  • Manage your Anxiety About your Less Strong Points
  • Build A Range of Skills Around You
  • Know How to Keep Resolute and be Modest
  • Why Am I Here?
  • What Am I Focused On?
  • How Am I Behaving?
  • When Do I Reflect?
  • When Do I Act?
  • Ensure Collective Ownership and Partnership
  • Understand Hopes and Fears and Build Resilience
  • Think Through the Consequences
  • Enable Difficult Issues to be Faced Up To
  • Bring Rooted Optimism
  • Bring Clarity about Outcomes
  • Be Ready to Handle the Storms
  • Know When to Adapt Your Approach
  • Know When to Hold Fast
  • Manage the Pace
  • Think Ahead to See Opportunities
  • Anticipate Problems and be Ready to Respond Quickly
  • Build Dynamic Alliances
  • Raise the Sights of Your Team
  • Draw on External Expertise
  • Listen in Order to Understand
  • Know and Respect your Audience
  • Use a Variety of Communication Approaches
  • Recognise the Power of Instant Communication
  • Know when it is Your Message to Give
  • Keep it Simple and Clear
  • Balance Consistency and Freshness
  • Build Continuous Feedback into Your Approach
  • Keep People's Attention and Engagement
  • Show Measured and Deliberate Emotion
  • Know Who are your Champions
  • Know how you Inspire People
  • Recognise and Convince Sceptics
  • Work with those Who are Influential
  • Build A Bank of Goodwill
  • Build Trust
  • Define Shared Values
  • Stick to Your Values, Whatever the Provocation
  • Know How You Handle Ethically Difficult Issues
  • Retain your Integrity, Whatever Happens
  • Build Team Credibility
  • Establish the Facts Behind Changes in Attitudes
  • Disseminate the Evidence of Progress
  • Deal with Untruths Firmly
  • Prepare Carefully for Difficult Conversations
  • Create an Environment of Continuous Learning
  • Be deliberate in Recruiting for Attitude
  • Spot and Fill Gaps
  • Keep Building the Capability and Resilience of Teams
  • Encourage People to be Curious
  • Recognise Signs of Fatigue and Staleness
  • Understand the Stimulus Needed to Keep Engagement High
  • Be Mindful of the Hygiene Factors
  • Delegate Responsibility Whenever you can
  • Keep Watching, Observing and Responding
  • Know the Stories that People are Telling Each Other
  • Keep the Rationale for Change Clear, Unambiguous and Repeat it
  • Ensure the Narrative is Up-To-Date and Relevant
  • Avoid Narrative Churn
  • Explain Carefully when and why the Narrative has Changed
  • Log the Progress Made
  • Celebrate and have Fun Together
  • Articulate the Benefits Flowing From Change
  • Be Excited about what is Going to Happen Next
  • Ensure the Casualties are Looked After
  • Recharge Your Batteries
  • Update Your Narrative
  • Ditch Outdated Perceptions
  • Keep an Open Mind
  • Remember why you are There


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