Understanding Your Organization’s AI Maturity: A Roadmap to Transformation

July 15, 2024 | Reskill Your Workforce | 11 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Generative AI stands out as a transformative force capable of reshaping the way we work, collaborate, and innovate new ideas. From content creation to complex problem-solving, it promises unprecedented efficiency and creativity. However, to fully harness its potential, organizations must rethink their traditional workflows and adapt to new paradigms.

If you’re looking to understand how mature your organization’s AI efforts are right now, or you need practical tips for ascending to the next phase of AI maturity, keep reading. I'll use this post to explore practical strategies for integrating AI into your operations, discuss the essential steps for aligning AI initiatives with your business goals, and offer insights into managing the cultural and structural changes required for successful adoption.

But first, familiarize yourself with the four phases of AI maturity.

  • Exploration: This is the nascent phase where organizations are beginning to understand what AI is and how it can be applied within their context. It is entrepreneurial and opportunistic, and the focus is on learning and discovery.
  • Experimentation: At this phase, organizations start to experiment with AI technologies as situations permit. They run pilot projects and proof-of-concept initiatives that tend to be aspirational in nature.
  • Innovation: Organizations in this phase have mobilized – intentionally moving beyond pilots to more extensive implementations. AI starts to become an integral part of their business processes, driving innovation.
  • Realization: This is the phase where AI is fully embedded across an organization’s operations, delivering measurable business value and driving strategic decisions. AI efforts are governed by a specific set of rules and expectations, and results are measured and optimized to drive future success.

Advancing through these phases requires a concerted effort across several dimensions, including people, platforms, processes, and policies. It is extremely complex to navigate. However, it’s worth it because it might accelerate your organization’s AI maturity in ways you haven’t yet considered.

Join us as we delve into the future of work, powered by Generative AI.

Key Phases of AI Maturity


Embarking on your organization’s AI journey starts with building foundational knowledge and identifying where AI can make the most impact. Here are some tips to help you build a strong foundation with AI. 

  • Educate your team. Introduce the basics of AI, machine learning, and data science to your organization through workshops and seminars. Encourage your team to take online courses (check out Skillsoft’s Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT learning channels). Provide essential reading materials such as Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig or Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Learning from Experience by Andrew Lowe and Steve Lawless. 

    Skillsoft’s ChatGPT courses teach the abilities and limitations of AI. 
  • Be strategic with your existing infrastructure and data. Assess current data assets and infrastructure capabilities, and clearly define your business objectives and feasible AI use cases. Start with small pilot projects to demonstrate value and build stakeholder confidence. Utilize cloud-based AI platforms and open-source tools to integrate with existing systems and enhance data management through ETL processes, data cleaning, and governance.  
  • Focus on forward momentum in a responsible way. To pinpoint where AI can add value, do a thorough analysis of your current business processes. Document workflows across departments like marketing, sales, and operations, and identify inefficiencies or repetitive tasks that AI could streamline. Gather insights through interviews and surveys with key stakeholders to understand their challenges and needs. While your existing processes will likely remain as-is in this phase of AI maturity, this is a good opportunity to be entrepreneurial – to identify low-hanging fruit and approach it without any process-oriented hurdles. 
  • Evaluate existing policies. While you’re in the exploration phase, you will likely look to interpret AI within the framework of your current governance structures – so leverage your existing IT and code of conduct policies. This approach ensures that the integration of AI aligns with your established protocols for data security, privacy, and ethical standards, minimizing risks and maintaining regulatory compliance. By grounding AI initiatives in familiar governance practices, your organization will be able to create a solid foundation for responsible AI deployment while facilitating smoother transitions and fostering trust among stakeholders. You’ll also be able to identify gaps or necessary adjustments in policies to better accommodate AI technologies as they evolve. And remember, this is a great opportunity to evaluate those policies to ensure they meet your evolving needs. 

Validating AI use cases and demonstrating their value through small-scale implementations is a crucial step in your AI journey. Here’s how you might start to think about experimentation.

  • Upskill your team to support use cases. Establish dedicated work teams to test specific use cases, ensuring practical and impactful applications of the technology. These teams can pilot AI solutions in controlled environments, gathering insights and refining models before broader implementation. Additionally, it’s crucial to upskill AI champions—key employees who can mobilize AI initiatives and provide support across departments. By equipping these champions with the necessary AI knowledge and skills, organizations can foster a culture of innovation and facilitate smoother adoption, ultimately driving successful AI integration and maximizing its benefits. 
  • Run pilot projects and proof-of-concept initiatives. Start by selecting a few high-potential AI use cases that align with your business objectives. These should be areas where AI can address specific challenges or enhance existing processes. Then, run pilot projects to test these use cases in real-world scenarios. Keep these pilots small and focused to manage risks and costs effectively. Use real data and set clear success criteria to evaluate the outcomes. This helps in understanding the feasibility and potential impact of each AI solution your organization explores.  
  • Encourage targeted use of AI to address specific opportunities. Your organization’s core work processes are likely to remain stable and unchanged at this phase, but you should encourage and fund targeted AI applications to address specific challenges or opportunities. By formalizing use cases, you will be able to focus your organization’s resources on well-defined, strategic projects that demonstrate clear value and feasibility. This targeted approach allows for incremental innovation without disrupting essential operations, providing a controlled environment to test and refine AI solutions. Such a strategy ensures that AI adoption is both practical and impactful, driving efficiency and growth while maintaining operational continuity.
  • Establish policies and governance teams. These teams will support and monitor AI experiments. They should be responsible for developing guidelines that ensure AI initiatives align with ethical standards, regulatory requirements, and organizational objectives. By providing oversight, these governance bodies can start to identify risk, ensure data integrity, and foster accountability throughout AI projects. This wireframe process not only promotes responsible AI usage but also lays the foundation for continuous improvement and scalability of AI solutions, ultimately driving sustainable innovation and trust within the organization. Have you drafted your organization’s AI policy, yet? 

Once you’ve validated AI use cases through successful pilot projects, the next move is to expand these initiatives across your organization intentionally. Here’s how. 

  • Establish new AI roles and reskill your team. You'll need to establish new roles on your team that are specifically designed to support AI integration, such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI ethics officers. This may involve defining or reorganizing teams to ensure they are equipped with the necessary expertise and resources to drive AI initiatives. Additionally, launching a comprehensive reskilling program is essential to empower existing employees with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with AI technologies. This dual approach of creating specialized roles and enhancing the capabilities of the current workforce will facilitate a smoother AI adoption process, fostering innovation and maintaining competitive advantage. 
  • Upgrade your infrastructure to support long-term adoption of AI. Strategically upgrade your infrastructure to support the long-term integration and scalability of AI technologies. This includes investing in high-performance computing resources, cloud platforms, and advanced data storage solutions that can handle the increased processing demands of AI workloads. Also, enhancing network capabilities and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures are in place will protect sensitive data and maintain system integrity. By proactively upgrading infrastructure, organizations can create a resilient foundation that not only accommodates current AI projects but also allows for future growth and innovation, ensuring sustained competitive advantage in an evolving technological landscape. 
  • Re-engineer your work process. By embedding AI into the core of operational processes and performance metrics, your organization can optimize outcomes, improve agility, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets. This means redesigning workflows to incorporate AI-driven insights and automation, thereby enhancing efficiency and decision-making. Align AI initiatives with your organization’s strategic business goals to ensure that your AI investments drive measurable value and support long-term objectives. 
  • Monitor and update policies as new processes are brought online. Continuously monitor and update your organization’s policies as new AI-driven processes are brought online. This ongoing review ensures that governance frameworks remain relevant and effective in managing the unique challenges posed by AI technologies. By regularly assessing and refining policies related to data privacy, security, ethical standards, and compliance, organizations can mitigate risks and adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes. This proactive approach not only safeguards against potential issues but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and responsible AI usage, supporting sustainable innovation and trust across all levels of the organization. 

By fully integrating AI into your decision-making and operational processes, you can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and maintain a strong competitive position in the market. 

  • Redefine your workforce to support new ways of working. To succeed with AI, your organization must ensure that employees are equipped with the technology and leadership skills necessary to leverage AI technologies effectively – while mitigating risk. This involves implementing comprehensive reskilling programs that scale across the entire enterprise, enabling staff to transition into roles that require a blend of domain expertise and AI literacy. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability across technology, leadership, and risk, organizations can maximize the potential of AI, enhance productivity, and maintain a competitive edge.  
  • Evaluate the consolidation or decommissioning of legacy infrastructure and tools. These may hinder your progress and efficiency. It is crucial to invest in modern, scalable toolsets that can meet the increased demands of AI workloads. This transition not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures that your organization is equipped with the latest technologies to fully leverage AI capabilities. By streamlining your tech stack and focusing on scalable, high-performance solutions, you can better support AI initiatives, optimize costs, and drive meaningful innovation, positioning yourself for long-term success in an AI-driven market. 
  • Scale work processes across all business units and functions. In this way, your organization can build a cohesive and integrated approach to AI. This process involves updating the cadence of reporting key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives and key results (OKRs) to reflect the real-time insights and efficiencies gained from AI implementations. By standardizing these processes and metrics, organizations can maintain alignment with strategic goals, foster cross-functional collaboration, and drive consistent performance improvements. Enhanced reporting practices will enable better decision-making and accountability, ultimately maximizing the impact of AI initiatives across the enterprise. 
  • Empower your governance team to actively monitor progress and update policies. Ensure that your policies are in alignment with your organization’s governance model. Your governance team plays a critical role in ensuring that AI initiatives adhere to ethical standards, regulatory requirements, and organizational objectives. By regularly reviewing AI implementations and making necessary policy adjustments, it can address emerging challenges, mitigate risks, and ensure responsible AI usage. This dynamic oversight not only supports sustainable innovation but also fosters trust and accountability, enabling the organization to navigate the complexities of AI adoption with confidence and integrity.

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Leading With Empathy and Understanding

As we aim to get better at using AI in our organizations, we need to strike a balance between embracing new technology and boosting our emotional intelligence. Amit Ray, a pioneer in the compassionate artificial intelligence movement, said it perfectly: “As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.” 

It’s not just about using AI to make things faster and more efficient; it’s about leading with empathy and understanding. When leaders focus on emotional intelligence, they create a work environment where both technology and people can thrive. This means AI projects will be rolled out in ways that keep employees engaged and customers happy, ultimately making the whole organization stronger.

So, as we dive deeper into the world of AI, let’s remember that its true power is unlocked when guided by leaders who value the human touch. This balanced approach will not only drive business success but also create a more inclusive and positive workplace.