Fear or Fascination? Helping Employees Embrace AI — Compliantly

Even in the best of times, shifting an office to remote operations is no small feat. Those of us who are new to working from home have spent the past month in reactive mode dealing with a myriad of personal and professional priorities. As the digital dust settles, however, we've found more than one silver lining: no soul-crushing commute and no one looking over our shoulders. Certainly, we're all enjoying a more relaxed dress code—what color sweatpants should I wear today? But we've also noticed something else—loneliness.
Whether we're juggling our kiddos along with WordPro or living and working solo, we miss the camaraderie and energy of the office hive. It's a double-edged sword. Along with social loneliness, we're also experiencing a feeling of professional isolation, which can compound career anxiety in these uncertain times.
The good news? We're finding simple ways to connect while apart that say, "we're all in this together." If you'd rather drop and do 100 than do one more team-building exercise, we get it. But at the risk of sounding new age, we are in a new age, and one of the benefits of "intentional" communication is it often leads to more meaningful exchanges.
Where to start? It's helpful to focus on natural touchpoints throughout our workday. Here are a few suggestions:
Your team may have found its unique social rhythm, and if so, we'd love to hear from you. In the meantime, stay safe, stay well—and stay connected.
Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek is the Chief Marketing Officer at Skillsoft.