Happy National Women’s Equality Day

August 26, 2024 | Diversity & Inclusion | 5 min read

In a recent Deloitte report, only about 10% of women say their employers are taking concrete steps to fulfill their commitment to gender equality, and less than 20% say their employers have communicated gender diversity targets. Simply stated, there’s a significant gap between the promise of gender equity in the workplace and the reality many women experience. 

This not only affects women’s career advancement but also perpetuates an environment where gender disparities continue to thrive, making it crucial to acknowledge and recognize Women’s Equality Day. 

On August 26, we celebrate the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States. But, for many, this day signifies much more than that. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and the continued need for progress.

This need is particularly evident among working women, amplified by the constantly evolving modern workforce.

Committing to Change: Action over Rhetoric

While Women's Equality Day is a time to celebrate the advancements made towards gender equality, it is also an opportunity for organizations and individuals to reflect on their commitments to tangible actions. 

This means more than just issuing statements or hosting events; true commitment requires active efforts to address inequalities within workplaces and society as a whole. It involves creating policies that support equal opportunities, implementing mentorship programs, and fostering an inclusive culture where every voice is heard and valued.

An equal workplace is one where everyone, regardless of gender, has the same opportunities for advancement, pay, and professional development. Such equality fosters a corporate culture rich in innovation, diverse perspectives, and overall success. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to contribute their best ideas and efforts, driving the company forward.

Especially in the tech industry, increasing women's representation is a moral imperative that can also lead to groundbreaking innovations, like the creation of wireless transmission technology by Hedy Lamarr, and the pioneering work on GPS technology by Gladys West. The underrepresentation of women in technology is not merely a statistic. It is a barrier that hinders growth within the industry. 

Although research consistently shows that diverse teams are more productive, creative, and effective in problem-solving, often outperforming competitors, many companies may not be fully prioritizing gender diversity across the organization from the top down. This lack of prioritization can result in missed opportunities for innovation and a failure to fully leverage the potential of a diverse workforce.

According to our latest Women in Tech Report, only 15% of women surveyed reported an equal ratio of men to women in the workplace. And a staggering 34% of women in tech are outnumbered by men at ratios of four-to-one or greater. 

The reality is women are disproportionately affected by systemic issues in the tech industry. There’s clearly an urgent need for systemic change and the implementation of strategies that promote gender balance.

Consider these stats...
  • 46% of women in tech report ineffective leadership, management
  • 38% report a lack of equity in pay
  • 35% of women surveyed highlight a lack of equity in opportunities
  • 24% report a lack of professional development, training opportunities
  • 24% of women in tech highlight a lack of work-life balance 

The lack of equal representation, effective leadership, and development opportunities contribute to a less inclusive and supportive environment for women in the workplace. 

So, how can organizations reverse these trends?

Women in tech shared valuable insights on how companies can turn aspirations into reality. Here’s what they had to say:

  • 52% of respondents say equitable pay is crucial. Ensuring fair compensation is foundational to creating a workplace where women feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.
  • 37% of women want more coaching, mentoring, and career counseling opportunities. These programs can provide women with the guidance and support needed to navigate their careers and reach leadership positions. 
  • 36% say professional development and training opportunities are vital. Access to continuous learning and skill enhancement is essential for women to stay competitive and advance in their fields. 
  • 36% of women in tech want more family-oriented benefits. Offering flexible work arrangements and family support can help women balance their professional and personal lives, reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction. 
  • 35% highlight an equitable work culture as an essential factor. A culture that promotes fairness and inclusivity encourages diverse perspectives and fosters a sense of belonging among all employees.

When organizations invest in women, they gain confident, highly skilled leaders who excel at work. This not only enhances career prospects but also empowers women to achieve their full potential and inspire future generations, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

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Women Supporting Women

The role of women supporting each other is a powerful force that complements organizational efforts. While companies can implement policies and create opportunities, the personal connections and networks women build among themselves are equally transformative. This solidarity forms a robust network of empowerment where women uplift each other, share knowledge, and inspire confidence. 

The strength of women supporting women cannot be underestimated. It fosters an environment where women feel encouraged to pursue their ambitions, knowing they have a community that understands their challenges and celebrates their successes. This network not only provides emotional support but also opens doors to new opportunities, resources, and collaborations that might otherwise remain inaccessible. 

Women in tech offered valuable advice to those aspiring to join the field:

  • Invest in tech education, including certifications and degrees. 
  • Try out different roles to find what you enjoy. 
  • Find a mentor
  • Invest in power skill development, such as communication and leadership. 
  • Stay up to date with tech trends. 

By encouraging one another, sharing experiences, and providing mentorship, women can break barriers and create opportunities for growth. This solidarity not only boosts individual confidence but also strengthens the overall community of women in the workplace. 

Despite the Challenges, There is Hope

Creating a more equitable world involves not only recognizing the invaluable contributions of women but also ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed. By addressing the current challenges and investing in women’s development, organizations can pave the way for a thriving tech industry. 

The journey towards gender equality is ongoing, but with determination, collaboration, and proactive steps toward parity, meaningful progress is within reach.

For further insights and actionable steps to drive this change, access the complete report.