7 Leadership Skills You Should Develop

February 12, 2024 | New Workplace Leadership | 7 min read

Strong and competent leaders are more important today than they’ve ever been. With advancements in AI, cybersecurity, and the ongoing skills crisis, having leaders in the organization who understand and prioritize stewardship has become essential. 

World Economic Forums’ 2023 Future of Jobs Report explained that employers estimate that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years.

What does this mean?

Organizations need great leaders at the helm to guide teams through this major dislocation and help them improve their skills for the continuously evolving workplace.

What are Leadership Skills?

Leadership skills are a set of abilities that enable individuals to guide, inspire, and influence others towards achieving common goals. Unlike technical skills, which are specific to certain tasks or industries, leadership skills are more about interpersonal and strategic capabilities. They encompass a range of soft skills, such as communication and emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for creating a vision, motivating teams, driving organizational success, and navigating challenges.

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Top 7 Essential Leadership Skills

In today’s competitive job market, employers are looking for leaders who possess a diverse set of skills to effectively manage teams and drive results. Here are the top seven leadership skills that are essential for success:

1. Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking involves analyzing complex situations, anticipating future challenges, and making informed decisions that align with organizational goals. It’s a crucial skill for leaders as it encompasses creative scenario planning, sensitivity analysis, and assessing the long-term impact of decisions. This anticipatory and flexible way of thinking helps future-proof an organization by enabling leaders to spot opportunities and threats before they become imminent. Leaders who excel in strategic thinking can effectively allocate resources, anticipate changes, develop responses, and adapt to various challenges, both internal and external, ultimately improving risk management and driving the organization towards sustained success.

Find out how to become a leader at work.

2. Effective Communication

Effective communication is the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively, ensuring the transmission of ideas, alignment of expectations, and facilitation of mutual understanding within a team or organization. Leaders at all levels within an organization need to be proficient and nimble communicators, as their role requires them to inspire, empower, and motivate their teams. This skill enhances their ability to articulate vision to both seniors and subordinates, delegate tasks, provide constructive feedback, manage change, and understand their employees' perspectives, needs, and concerns. At an organizational level, effective communication supports alignment towards common goals, inspires positive change, and cultivates a culture of trust and mutual respect.

Want to expand your feedback giving skills?

3. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions while empathizing with others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are adept at building strong relationships, managing teams effectively, and dealing with workplace stress. They excel in understanding and responding to their own and others' emotions, which enhances decision-making and conflict resolution. According to a Gallup survey, employees with emotionally intelligent managers are 4x less likely to leave their jobs. Emotionally intelligent leaders are skilled at navigating change, managing conflict, and driving team performance, leading to better employee retention and a more harmonious work environment.

Learn more about improving emotional intelligence.

4. Problem Solving

Problem-solving is the ability to identify issues, analyze potential solutions, and implement effective strategies. Leaders across organizations face problems that could disrupt team and organizational priorities. Having strong individuals ready and willing to address problems is critical, as the speed with which problems are acknowledged and solved can profoundly impact a team’s ability to function successfully. Leaders adept at problem-solving can navigate complex business challenges, facilitate the development of innovative solutions, and inspire confidence within their teams, thus increasing job satisfaction and improving team performance and cohesion.

Want to embrace lifelong learning?

5. Team Building

Team building involves creating a cohesive and collaborative environment through activities that build trust and communication. Leaders must find opportunities for teams to engage in exercises that strengthen relationships and enhance team dynamics. Those who excel in creating a positive environment for their teams can boost their own credibility, inspire their team members, manage conflicts more effectively, and accelerate performance to achieve the organization's strategic goals. According to a recent report by Gusto, 37% of the employees surveyed chose to remain in their current jobs due to an exceptional team. Positive team dynamics significantly impact employee retention and overall job satisfaction, illustrating how great leaders build great teams that, in turn, build strong organizations.

Learn more about developing your team building skills.

6. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to mediate disputes and find mutually beneficial solutions, involving navigating difficult conversations and fostering open communication. Conflict is an inevitable part of life, often arising from differences in opinions, perspectives, and backgrounds. Being able to resolve conflict is a crucial leadership skill with profound impacts on leaders, their teams, and ultimately to the wider organization. Leaders who can adeptly resolve conflicts can transform disputes into opportunities for growth. They navigate difficult conversations with tact, mediate disputes impartially, foster open communication, and encourage problem-solving attitudes, thus maintaining harmony and promoting a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

Learn how Skillsoft Coaching can help build conflict resolution skills.

7. Change Management

Change management is the process of guiding teams through organizational changes by planning, implementing, and monitoring change initiatives. Change is an inevitable part of leading any organization, and effective change management enables leaders to execute transformational initiatives, foster a culture of adaptability, and empower their teams to accept change. In a working world being transformed daily by GenAI, the ability to guide teams through change is essential to providing an environment where teams feel safe, empowered, and encouraged to explore new opportunities. Adopting a calm and strategic approach to change management minimizes resistance, facilitates smooth transitions, and boosts morale amid uncertainty, ensuring the organization remains resilient and forward-thinking.

Want to learn more about the impact and opportunity of GenAI in workforce development?

Ways to Develop Leadership Skills

Developing leadership skills is a journey that involves continuous learning and personal growth. Whether you are an aspiring leader or looking to enhance your existing capabilities, there are several strategies you can adopt to cultivate these skills effectively:

  • Seek Mentorship: By learning from experienced leaders, you can gain valuable insights and advice that are tailored to your personal and professional growth. Regular meetings with a mentor can help identify strengths and areas for improvement, offering practical advice on overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. Consider joining professional networks or mentorship programs to connect with potential mentors who align with your aspirations.
  • Pursue Professional Development: Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences that focus on leadership topics such as strategic thinking, communication, and emotional intelligence. Online courses and certifications can also provide structured learning opportunities. By actively participating in these programs, you can expand your knowledge, stay updated on the latest leadership trends, and apply new strategies to your role.
  • Gain practical experience: Seek opportunities to take on leadership roles within your current job, such as leading projects or initiatives. Volunteering for leadership positions in community organizations or non-profits can also provide practical experience in managing teams, making decisions, and solving problems. These experiences allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, build confidence, and develop your unique leadership style.
  • Engage in self-reflection: Take time to regularly assess your leadership style, strengths, and areas for improvement. Journaling, feedback from peers, and self-assessment tools can facilitate this process. By understanding your emotional responses and leadership tendencies, you can make conscious efforts to enhance your skills. Set personal development goals and create action plans to achieve them.

Leadership Skills for All Employees

Cultivating leadership skills across all levels of an organization is crucial for fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. Encouraging employees to develop these skills not only enhances individual performance but also drives collective success, making the organization more resilient and adaptable to change.

And – leadership is not confined to those in managerial roles; it is a valuable asset for every employee. Broad-based empowerment facilitates a proactive workforce capable of contributing to strategic initiatives and driving the organization forward.

Organizations can take several steps to support the development of leadership skills among their employees:

  • Training Programs: Offering training focused on leadership development can equip employees with essential skills. These programs should cover topics like strategic thinking, effective communication, and emotional intelligence.
  • Access to Resources: Providing access to leadership resources, such as books, online courses, and mentorship opportunities, can help employees learn and grow at their own pace. Encouraging self-directed learning fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Opportunities for Leadership Roles: Creating opportunities for employees to take on leadership roles in projects or volunteer initiatives allows them to apply their skills in real-world scenarios. This hands-on experience is invaluable for building confidence and competence.

Developing leadership skills among all employees is a strategic investment in an organization's future. By providing the right support and opportunities, businesses can create a thriving culture where every employee is empowered to lead, innovate, and contribute to sustained success.