Unleash Your Inner Warrior: How to Change Your Mindset for the Better, Soar With the Eagles, and Live the Life of Your Dreams

  • 4h 22m 40s
  • Brad C. Wenneberg
  • Blackstone Audio, Inc. dba Blackstone Publishing
  • 2009

Brad Wenneberg wasn’t always a 6th degree Black Belt. Nor was he always a father, a husband, a teacher, a mentor, a community leader and a man of conviction. He was, however, an alcoholic spinning out of control—so much so that he found himself on the wrong end of a gun one warm spring evening.

It wasn’t until Wenneberg committed to a complete personal transformation that he was able to begin his journey toward personal, emotional, financial, and spiritual freedom. In Unleash Your Inner Warrior, Wenneberg challenges us to transform our own lives for the better—to commit to basic success principles that allow us to create a life of happiness, wealth, and abundance as well as leaving a lasting and meaningful legacy.

“Unleashing my inner warrior was a challenge to me in every way: a challenge to the way I do business, to my habits, to my self-esteem, and to my comfort zones. It is a challenge to learn what I need to know, not what I want to know,” writes Wenneberg.

About the Author

The author graduated from Fullerton College Police Academy iThe author graduated from Fullerton College Police Academy iThe author graduated from Fullerton College Police Academy in 1973, & worked as a patrol officer for Anaheim Police Deptn 1973, & worked as a patrol officer for Anaheim Police Deptn 1973, & worked as a patrol officer for Anaheim Police Dept. until mid-1978. After a medical retirement from the police. until mid-1978. After a medical retirement from the police. until mid-1978. After a medical retirement from the police force, worked for 12 years in the insurance industry as a b force, worked for 12 years in the insurance industry as a b force, worked for 12 years in the insurance industry as a broker & became a top salesman (Million Dollar Round Table). roker & became a top salesman (Million Dollar Round Table). roker & became a top salesman (Million Dollar Round Table). In 1992, opened a karate studio, American Martial Arts AcadeIn 1992, opened a karate studio, American Martial Arts AcadeIn 1992, opened a karate studio, American Martial Arts Academy, in Fullerton, CA. It is still operating today as a 500+ my, in Fullerton, CA. It is still operating today as a 500+ my, in Fullerton, CA. It is still operating today as a 500+ student, 15,000 sq.ft., million-dollar business, having empostudent, 15,000 sq.ft., million-dollar business, having empostudent, 15,000 sq.ft., million-dollar business, having empowered thousands of people over the last 16 years to maximizewered thousands of people over the last 16 years to maximizewered thousands of people over the last 16 years to maximize their potential. Brad is the Shihan/Master Instructor, as w their potential. Brad is the Shihan/Master Instructor, as w their potential. Brad is the Shihan/Master Instructor, as well as the owner (along with his wife, Bonnie) of AMAA. Bradell as the owner (along with his wife, Bonnie) of AMAA. Bradell as the owner (along with his wife, Bonnie) of AMAA. Brad (& Bonnie) are also an entrepreneur with their leadership d (& Bonnie) are also an entrepreneur with their leadership d (& Bonnie) are also an entrepreneur with their leadership development and marketing business, B&B Enterprises, which asevelopment and marketing business, B&B Enterprises, which asevelopment and marketing business, B&B Enterprises, which assists, mentors and trains others to be business owners with sists, mentors and trains others to be business owners with sists, mentors and trains others to be business owners with multiple streams of income. Their two young adult children, multiple streams of income. Their two young adult children, multiple streams of income. Their two young adult children, Sheri & Jason, work along side their parents & all four enjoSheri & Jason, work along side their parents & all four enjoSheri & Jason, work along side their parents & all four enjoy playing and traveling together. y playing and traveling together. y playing and traveling together.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Opening the Door to Greatness-dream, Vision, Purpose, Legacy
  • Chapter 2 - Vision-see It, Feel It, Live It
  • Chapter 3 - How It Works
  • Chapter 4 - Purpose Never Changes-but Our Direction Must Be Flexible
  • Chapter 5 - I Made the Decision
  • Chapter 6 - Change Is a Gift
  • Chapter 7 - We Have to Plan or We Will Surely Fail
  • Chapter 8 - Go to School, Get Good Grades, Get a Job?-you Must Be Joking!
  • Chapter 9 - Sweet Surrender
  • Chapter 10 - The Extra Mile with Attitude
  • Chapter 11 - The Moments Count
  • Chapter 12 - Acting Our Way into Better Living
  • Chapter 13 - Idea
  • Chapter 14 - Personal Freedom
  • Chapter 15 - I Told Myself I Couldn't Do It-it Was a Lie!
  • Chapter 16 - My Greatest Investment
  • Chapter 17 - Experience, Strength, Hope
  • Chapter 18 - Dream “Mission Possible”
  • Chapter 19 - Unleashing Our “Inner Warrior”
  • Chapter 20 - Attitude of Gratitude
  • Chapter 21 - Budo-“The Way”
  • Chapter 22 - Spirituality
  • Chapter 23 - Soar like an Eagle


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