Think Confident, Be Confident: A Four-Step Program to Eliminate Doubt and Achieve Lifelong Self-Esteem

  • 5h 16m 20s
  • Aaron T. Beck MD - foreword, Leslie Sokol PhD, Marci G. Fox PhD
  • Gildan Media
  • 2020

A practical four-step cognitive therapy program for overcoming self-doubt and fear - from leading experts in the field.

Longtime associates of the Beck Institute Drs. Sokol and Fox share their practical, four-step cognitive therapy program for overcoming self-doubt and fear, building confidence, and maximizing potential in all areas of life. Their unique program enables the listener to identify and examine those areas where self-doubt gets triggered and interferes with their potential. As the self-doubt becomes more externalized, listeners are shown step by step how to determine if their fear is valid, and if not, how to overcome it.

Listeners will learn how to develop confidence and to base their actions on a new, more positive belief structure, resulting in a true and lasting form of solid self-esteem and confidence.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter One - What Makes You Tick?
  • Chapter Two - Give Doubt a Name
  • Chapter Three - Check Out Your Doubt
  • Chapter Four - Recognize Doubt Distortions and Throw Them Out
  • Chapter Five - Rewrite Your Rules
  • Chapter Six - Living without Doubt
  • Chapter Seven - Expand Your Confidence
  • Chapter Eight - Maintain Your Confidence


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