The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know
- 22h 27m 47s
- Jane Roberts
- Brilliance Publishing
- 2019
In this perennial bestseller, Seth tells listeners how we create our personal reality through our conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. His message is clear: we are not at the mercy of the subconscious, or helpless before forces we cannot understand. Seth challenges our assumptions about the nature of reality, and stresses the individual's capacity for conscious actions. Included in this book are excellent exercises for applying his empowering insights to any life situation.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 - The Living Picture of the World
Chapter 2 - Reality and Personal Beliefs
Chapter 3 - Suggestion, Telepathy, and the Grouping of Beliefs
Chapter 4 - Your Imagination and Your Beliefs, and a Few Words about the Origin of Your Beliefs
Chapter 5 - The Constant Creation of the Physical Body
Chapter 6 - The Body of Your Beliefs, and the Power Structures of Beliefs
Chapter 7 - The Living Flesh
Chapter 8 - Health, Good and Bad Thoughts, and the Birth of “Demons”
Chapter 9 - Natural Grace, the Framework of Creativity, and the Health of Your Body and Mind. The Birth of Conscience
Chapter 10 - The Nature of Spontaneous Illumination, and the Nature of Enforced Illumination. The Soul in Chemical Clothes
Chapter 11 - The Conscious Mind as the Carrier of Beliefs. Your Beliefs in Relation to Health and Satisfaction
Chapter 12 - Grace, Conscience, and Your Daily Experience
Chapter 13 - Good and Evil, Personal and Mass Beliefs, and Their Effect Upon Your Private and Social Experience
Chapter 14 - Which You? Which World? Your Daily Reality as the Expression of Specific Probable Events
Chapter 15 - Which You? Which World? Only You Can Answer. How to Free Yourself from Limitations
Chapter 16 - Natural Hypnosis: A Trance is a Trance is a Trance
Chapter 17 - Natural Hypnosis, Healing, and the Transference of Physical Symptoms into Other Levels of Activity
Chapter 18 - Inner Storms and Outer Storms. Creative “Destruction.” The Length of the Day and the Natural Reach of a Biologically Based Consciousness
Chapter 19 - The Concentration of Energy, Beliefs, and the Present Point of Power
Chapter 20 - The Dream Landscape, the Physical World, Probabilities, and Your Daily Experience
Chapter 21 - Affirmation, Love, Acceptance, and Denial
Chapter 22 - Affirmation, the Practical Betterment of Your Life, and the New Structuring of Beliefs