The Healthy Workplace Nudge: How Healthy People, Cultures and Buildings Lead to High Performance

  • 8h 45m 6s
  • Michael O'Neill, Phillip Williams, Rex Miller
  • Gildan Media
  • 2019

Organizations and employees now spend an average of $18,000 dollars per year per employee for health costs, a 61 percent increase in 10 years. These are direct costs, but the hidden costs of time out of the office, distraction, disengagement, and turnover far exceed the direct costs. The Healthy Workplace Nudge explains the findings of research on 100 large organizations that have tackled the problems of employee health costs and disengagement in four fresh ways.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - A Slow-Moving Storm—The Existential Threat to Business and the Economy
  • Chapter 2 - The Rainbow in the Storm—Medical Science Meets Building Science
  • Chapter 3 - Storm Damage—The Cost of Forgetting
  • Chapter 4 - Stress—Portrait of a Killer
  • Chapter 5 - In Search of Wholeness
  • Chapter 6 - Why Happiness before Health
  • Chapter 7 - Where's the Data?—Inconvenient Truths
  • Chapter 8 - The Mystery of Hospitality—Experiencing the Human Touch
  • Chapter 9 - Nudge Thinking—How Small Things Lead to Big Results
  • Chapter 10 - The Healthy Building Nudge—The Invisible Power of the Workplace
  • Chapter 11 - The Financial Nudge—The Return on Humans (ROH)
  • Chapter 12 - Becoming Your Best Self—Rest, Engagement, Boundaries, and Deep Work
  • Chapter 13 - How They Did It—Creating Ecosystems of Care
  • Chapter 14 - Courageous Leaders and a Culture of Care
  • Chapter 15 - The MeTEOR Story—Extreme Ownership
  • Chapter 16 - Starting a Movement—How Second-Chair Leadership Can Change a Company
  • Chapter 17 - Haven in a Heartless World—The Promise of a Good Workplace