The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times

  • 2h 55m 38s
  • Allison Carmen
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2014

Allison Carmen spent many years fighting a powerful addiction. It wasn't drugs, alcohol, or fame. It was an addiction to certainty. If she didn't know what the future would bring—and who does?—she felt anxious and afraid. This decades-long struggle followed her through college, marriage, parenthood, and a successful law career. While everything seemed fine from the outside, Allison was in a constant battle that was unwinnable, sapping her energy, attention, and spirit. Until the day she discovered The Gift of Maybe.

Maybe is a simple yet powerful philosophy that has not only transformed Allison's life but also those of her numerous clients, readers of her books, and podcast listeners. The message is this: In the face of uncertainty, Maybe opens your mind and heart. It creates a little space for hope. It allows you to take a deep breath, stay in the present, and forge your own path.

Many things in life are beyond our control, but the mindset of Maybe presents a simple, powerful way to stay connected to what's possible, and work to make it happen. It is just one change of perspective, but Maybe it changes everything!

About the Author

Allison Carmen is an author, podcaster, business consultant, and the Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel of the Motherhood Center of New York. Allison holds a BA in accounting, a JD of Law, and a Master's of Law in taxation. Allison's books include The Gift of Maybe: Offering Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times, published by Penguin Random House in 2014, and A Year Without Men: A Twelve-Point Guide to Inspire and Empower Women, published by Skyhorse Publishing in 2021. Allison's top-rated podcast, 10 Minutes To Less Suffering, focuses on helping people alleviate daily stress and worry. Allison is an active contributor to many prominent online newspapers and magazines, as well as a sought-after speaker and radio guest. Allison resides in New York City and has two daughters.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One - The Philosophy of Maybe
  • Chapter Two - Keep Hope Alive
  • Chapter Three - Maybe There Is Another Way
  • Chapter Four - Let Go of the Past (But Hold on to the Wisdom)
  • Chapter Five - The Present Is the True Gift
  • Chapter Six - Maybe Is Always at Play
  • Chapter Seven - The Internal Maybe: Finding a New Strength
  • Chapter Eight - Adopting Maybe as a Life Philosophy