The Effective Manager, 2nd Edition

  • 7h 53m 21s
  • Kate Braun, Mark Horstman, Sarah Sentes
  • Gildan Media
  • 2023

A management book written by managers for front-line managers, The Effective Manager, 2nd Edition, is a concise, practical, and incisive take on what to do and say to get the best results possible from your co-located or remotely distributed team. The book's concrete advice will improve your relationships with your team members, increase your chances of being promoted, and generate trust amongst those you lead.

You'll learn why managing remote teams is so much harder than managing one in a single location and how to meet that challenge head-on. You'll also discover how to introduce your ideas to your team, counter their concerns and pushback, and ensure your instructions are followed.

In the place of vague bromides about being "impactful" or "candid," you'll get hands-on guidance on how to behave in the situations that managers find themselves in on a daily basis. The authors also offer data and evidence-driven advice that's been proven to work in the real world over the last thirty years; ground-level, real-world tips on getting the best work out of your team without burning them out; and four critical manager behaviors that build success: Know your people, talk about performance, ask for more, and push work down.

About the Author

MARK HORSTMAN is Co-founder of Manager Tools LLC, a management consultancy and training firm working with over half of the Fortune 1000. He has over 25 years’ experience training managers and executives.

KATE BRAUN is a Managing Partner of Manager Tools and co-host of the award-winning business podcast, Manager Tools. Kate has been helping develop and train managers and executives since 2017. She has a degree in mechanical engineering and her previous experience includes a career in aerospace engineering.

SARAH SENTES is a Managing Partner of Manager Tools and co-host of renowned business podcast, Manager Tools. She has been training professionals, managers and executives since January 2016. Her background is in IT administration in a unionized public service environment.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction Who This Book Is for, What It's About, and Why
  • Chapter 1 - What Is An Effective Manager?
  • Chapter 2 - The Four Critical Behaviors
  • Chapter 3 - Teachable and Sustainable Tools
  • Chapter 4 - Get to Know Your People--One on Ones
  • Chapter 5 - Doing One on Ones with Remote and Hybrid Workers
  • Chapter 6 - How to Start Doing Manager Tools One on Ones
  • Chapter 7 - Talk About Performance--Feedback
  • Chapter 8 - Giving Feedback to Remote Directs
  • Chapter 9 - How to Start Delivering Feedback
  • Chapter 10 - Ask for More--Coaching
  • Chapter 11 - How to Coach Remote Directs
  • Chapter 12 - How to Start Coaching
  • Chapter 13 - Push Work Down--Delegation
  • Chapter 14 - Delegating to Remote Directs
  • Chapter 15 - How to Start Delegating
  • Chapter 16 - The Manager Tools Manager