The 60 Second Sale: The Ultimate System for Building Lifelong Client Relationships in the Blink of an Eye

  • 6h 26m 49s
  • David V. Lorenzo
  • Gildan Media
  • 2019

Cold calling and pushing your way into an office or a living room creates an atmosphere of adversity and distrust you must overcome before you close the deal. With those tired tactics, you're swimming upstream, against a strong current, with a bag of rocks tied to your waist.

Sales has changed. Legacy sales gimmicks destroy relationships right from the first minute.

The 60 Second Sale is a turnkey system for building profitable, lifelong relationships. Whether you work with affluent consumers or sell to senior executives in Fortune 500 companies, this step-by-step guide will help you open doors, close deals, and make more money in a way that leverages your natural strengths. That's the magnificence of the 60 second sale system. You get to be yourself and build your business.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - It Was Never about the Pen
  • Chapter 2 - The First 60 Seconds Sets the Tone for a Lifetime
  • Chapter 3 - The RaporMax® System
  • Chapter 4 - Get MAD, Get Clients, Get Money
  • Chapter 5 - Forget the Frat Boy Approach – Convert with a Honeypot
  • Chapter 6 - Put Your Mouth Where the Money is
  • Chapter 7 - Premier Positioning Through Publishing
  • Chapter 8 - A Place for Your Stuff—Primary Internet Presence
  • Chapter 9 - Anti-Social Media
  • Chapter 10 - Action Speaks Louder than Words
  • Chapter 11 - How to Be Great at Networking Even If You Hate People
  • Chapter 12 - Qualified Prospects Become Quality Clients
  • Chapter 13 - Open a Door and Close the Deal
  • Chapter 14 - The End of the Beginning