Spring in Action: Covers Spring 4, Fourth Edition

  • 20h 7m 30s
  • Craig Walls
  • Manning Publications
  • 2018

Spring in Action, Fourth Edition is a hands-on guide to the Spring Framework, updated for version 4. It covers the latest features, tools, and practices including Spring MVC, REST, Security, Web Flow, and more. You'll move between short snippets and an ongoing example as you learn to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. Author Craig Walls has a special knack for crisp and entertaining examples that zoom in on the features and techniques you really need.

Designed in 2003 as a lighter approach to J2EE development, Spring Framework has since become a standard choice for building enterprise applications and required knowledge for Java developers. Spring 4, the latest major version, provides full Java 8 integration along with key upgrades like new annotations for the IoC container, improvements to Spring Expression Language, and much-needed support for REST. Whether you're just discovering Spring or you want to absorb the new features, there's no better way to master Spring than with this book.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Springing into Action
  • Chapter 2 - Wiring Beans
  • Chapter 3 - Advanced Wiring
  • Chapter 4 - Aspect-Oriented Spring
  • Chapter 5 - Building Spring Web Applications
  • Chapter 6 - Rendering Web Views
  • Chapter 7 - Advanced Spring MVC
  • Chapter 8 - Working with Spring Web Flow
  • Chapter 9 - Securing Web Applications
  • Chapter 10 - Hitting the Database with Spring and JDBC
  • Chapter 11 - Persisting Data with Object-Relational Mapping
  • Chapter 12 - Working with NoSQL Databases
  • Chapter 13 - Caching Data
  • Chapter 14 - Securing Methods
  • Chapter 15 - Working with Remote Services
  • Chapter 16 - Creating REST APIs with Spring MVC
  • Chapter 17 - Messaging in Spring
  • Chapter 18 - Messaging with WebSocket and STOMP
  • Chapter 19 - Sending Email with Spring
  • Chapter 20 - Managing Spring Beans with JMX
  • Chapter 21 - Simplifying Spring Development with Spring Boot