Smart Tribes: How Teams Become Brilliant Together

  • 6h 56m 9s
  • Christine Comaford
  • Gildan Media
  • 2013

Are You Scaring Your People into Mediocrity? All leaders want to outperform, outsell, and out-innovate the competition. And most teams are fully capable of doing so. The problem: we consistently say and do things that spark unconscious fears and keep our people stuck in their Critter State. This primitive fight, flight, or freeze mode distills all decision mak­ing to one question: What will keep me safest? Lying low, sucking up, procrastinating, and doing a good enough job may keep employees breathing, but it doesn’t make for vital organizations. Leaders have to get their people unstuck and fully engaged, replacing their old, limiting mental patterns with new patterns that foster optimal performance.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. How Great Companies Get Stuck
  • 2. The Connection Between Your Brain and Your Culture
  • 3. Focus: Bright Shiny Objects Are Not Your Friends
  • 4. Clarity: Stealing Underpants Isn't Enough
  • 5. Accountability: Move the Needle
  • 6. Influence: Load the Dice
  • 7. Meta Programs: Make Loaded Dice Even Heavier
  • 8. Sustainable Results: How to Have More Energy Than a Teenager
  • 9. How Change Happens: The Three Essential Keys to Starting Your SmartTribe
  • 10. Making Your SmartTribe a Reality: The Four Factors of a Sustainable SmartTribe
  • 11. SmartTribe Rx: Leadership and Culture Alignment
  • 12. SmartTribe Rx: Ending Silos, Sabotage, and System Dysfunction
  • 13. SmartTribe Rx: Right Person, Wrong Role
  • 14. SmartTribe Rx: Talent Turnaround
  • 15. Summary: How to Measure Your SmartTribe ROI


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