Resource Revolution: How to Capture the Biggest Business Opportunity in a Century

  • 7h 55m 26s
  • Matt Rogers, Paul Carroll, Stefan Heck
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2014

What do shale gas, Elon Musk’s Tesla, and the global apparel chain Zara share in common? In Resource Revolution, management experts Stefan Heck and Matt Rogers describe how each in its own way exemplifies a resource revolution—a use of natural resources so effective it defies conventional wisdom and enables breakthrough performance where others see only limits and shortcomings.

In this Audiobook

  • ONE Capturing the Greatest Business Opportunity in a Century
  • TWO Joysticks Meet Drilling Rigs, Launching the Revolution
  • THREE The Recipe for Tenfold Resource Productivity Improvement
  • FOUR DIRTT and Software: Assembly Required
  • FIVE System Integration: The Power of Machines Meets the Internet of Things
  • SIX Timing Is Everything
  • SEVEN Making It Matter: Scaling and Commercialization
  • EIGHT Organizing for Success
  • NINE Go Big or Go Home