Quick Start Kubernetes

  • 1h 24m 27s
  • Nigel Poulton
  • JJNP Consulting Limited
  • 2023

Do you need to figure out what Kubernetes is all about? Do you like learning hands-on?

If yes, this is the book for you!

Quick Start Kubernetes, brought to you by best-selling author Nigel Poulton, assumes zero prior experience and gets you to the point you can hold your own in a conversation with an expert, and deploy simple applications.

Receive a different perspective on cyber security, and think differently about the industry and your place within it

You'll learn:

  • What Kubernetes is.
  • Why we have Kubernetes.
  • The role Kubernetes will play in the future of infrastructure and applications.

You'll also perform the following hands-on tasks:

  • Build a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Containerize an app.
  • Deploy the app to Kubernetes.
  • Break the app and watch it self-heal.
  • Scale the app
  • Perform a rolling update.

Along the way, Nigel explains everything as clearly as possible and busts every piece of jargon. When you're done, you'll be in love with Kubernetes and ready to take your journey to the next level.

About the Author

Nigel Poulton is an author, video trainer, and consultant in the field of cloud computing and storage technologies. He has authored several books, including "The Kubernetes Book," "Docker Deep Dive," and "Quick Start Kubernetes," which have become go-to resources for IT professionals worldwide.

In addition to his writing, Nigel is a popular video trainer, with courses on platforms like Pluralsight, A Cloud Guru, and Udemy.

In this Audiobook

  • The sample app
  • Chapter 1 - What is Kubernetes
  • Chapter 2 - Why we need Kubernetes
  • Chapter 3 - What does Kubernetes look like
  • Chapter 4 - Getting Kubernetes
  • Chapter 5 - Creating a containerized app
  • Chapter 6 - Running an app on Kubernetes
  • Chapter 7 - Adding self-healing
  • Chapter 8 - Scaling the app
  • Chapter 9 - Performing a rolling update