Presentation Ready: Improve Your Sales Presentation Outcomes & Avoid the Twelve Most Common Mistakes

  • 5h 26m 23s
  • Terri L. Sjodin
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2024

Most people want to improve their presentations but don't know where to start—and that can be costly. That is where this book can help. Terri Sjodin has done the heavy lifting and eliminated the guesswork by providing specific solutions to guide you through the process of crafting an improved presentation to use at your very next meeting (in-person, virtually or in a hybrid environment). She shares the results of her multi-year research project—which identified twelve common sales presentation mistakes that may cost an individual the win, the deal, or the opportunity—and shows how to avoid them. Why focus on mistakes? Because you can't improve what you don't recognize as a problem.

Presentation Ready is divided into three sections: building your case, leveraging creativity, and honing your delivery. Each chapter explores a specific presentation mistake—why it happens, why it's damaging, and includes practical tips on how to correct it. You may laugh or cringe at some of these confessions, stories, and observations, but they are all true. The solutions will ultimately help you course-correct to save yourself time, increase your earning potential, reduce stress, and gain greater confidence for future presentations. You will learn vicariously through the experiences of others, and use that edge to transform your presentations almost overnight.

About the Author

Terri L. Sjodin is an international leading expert on persuasive presentations. With more than 25 years of experience, she has built an impressive client list that includes Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, national sales teams, industry associations, and even members of Congress. Terri has appeared as an expert on sales presentations on the Today Show, Bloomberg News, CNN, CNBC, and Fox Business, as well as many industry podcasts.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction
  • Mistake #1 - “Winging It”
  • Mistake #2 - Being Overly Informative Versus Persuasive
  • Mistake #3 - Providing Inadequate Support
  • Mistake #4 - Failing to Close the Sale
  • Mistake #5 - Misusing the Allotted Time
  • Mistake #6 - Being Boring, Boring, Boring
  • Mistake #7 - Ineffectively Using Visual Aids
  • Mistake #8 - Failure to Create Connection with Listeners
  • Mistake #9 - Distracting Gestures and Body Language
  • Mistake #10 - Dressing Inappropriately or Unprofessionally
  • Mistake #11 - Technology or Demonstration Failures
  • Mistake #12 - Verbal Missteps
  • Conclusion: Performance Tips and Conducting a Self-Evaluation